1-1                                       1

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is proud to honor the National

 1-4     Women's Memorial Project for its outstanding tribute to female

 1-5     veterans of the United States Armed Forces; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, The Women In Military Service For America Memorial

 1-7     will honor the service, sacrifice, and achievements of the nearly

 1-8     2,000,000 women who have been part of our country's armed forces,

 1-9     more than 78,000 of whom are Texans; and

1-10           WHEREAS, Designed by noted architects Marion Gail Weiss and

1-11     Michael Manfredi, the structure will stand at the gateway to

1-12     Arlington National Cemetery and will feature a reflecting pool,

1-13     a court of honor, and an education center; and

1-14           WHEREAS, More than 200 years ago, Deborah Sampson disguised

1-15     herself as a man to join the Massachusetts Regiment of the

1-16     Revolutionary Army; in later years, females have been welcomed

1-17     into military service, and in 1948, the Women's Armed Services

1-18     Integration Act granted them a permanent place in the military,

1-19     allowing them to serve their country with honor both in peacetime

1-20     and in conflict; and

1-21           WHEREAS, The Women In Military Service For America

1-22     Memorial is our nation's first major effort to pay tribute

1-23     to its servicewomen; their patriotism and bravery are part

 2-1     of our collective heritage, and it is the express desire of the

 2-2     Texas Senate to voice its wholehearted support of this important

 2-3     project; now, therefore, be it

 2-4           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

 2-5     75th Legislature, hereby honor the female veterans of the

 2-6     United States Armed Forces and commend all those associated with

 2-7     the National Women's Memorial Project for their exceptional work

 2-8     on this worthwhile endeavor; and, be it further

 2-9           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be

2-10     prepared for the Women In Military Service For America Memorial

2-11     Foundation as an expression of high regard by the Texas Senate.

2-12           Zaffirini            Madla               Shapiro

2-13           Luna                 Nelson              Wentworth

2-14           Armbrister           Fraser              Ogden

2-15           Barrientos           Gallegos            Patterson

2-16           Bivins               Galloway            Ratliff

2-17           Brown                Harris              Shapleigh

2-18           Cain                 Haywood             Sibley

2-19           Carona               Lindsay             Truan

2-20           Duncan               Lucio               West

2-21           Ellis                Moncrief            Whitmire

2-22                                Nixon

2-23                      Bullock, President of the Senate

2-24     ______________________________     _______________________________

2-25          Member, Texas Senate               Member, Texas Senate

2-26     ______________________________     _______________________________

2-27          Member, Texas Senate               Member, Texas Senate

2-28     ______________________________     _______________________________

2-29          Member, Texas Senate               Member, Texas Senate

2-30                                        _______________________________

2-31                                            President of the Senate

2-32                                             I hereby certify that the

2-33                                        above Resolution was adopted by

2-34                                        the Senate on February 11, 1997.

2-35                                        _______________________________

2-36                                            Secretary of the Senate