By:  Ellis                                             S.R. No. 120

 1-1     By:  Ellis                                             S.R. No. 120

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, Frank Hutchinson was selected as Houston METRO's Top

 1-4     Operator for December, 1996, and the Texas Senate is pleased to

 1-5     recognize him for receiving this important recognition; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, Mr. Hutchinson is one of METRO's 1,600 bus operators

 1-7     who provide professional, courteous, and helpful advice every day

 1-8     to passengers of the transit system; and

 1-9           WHEREAS, An important part of METRO's goal to provide quality

1-10     service to its passengers is the interaction of the bus operators

1-11     with those who depend on the buses for transportation; and

1-12           WHEREAS, Based on passenger nominations, the Operator of the

1-13     Month award recognizes top performers' efforts, and the Operator

1-14     of the Year is selected from the 12 Operators of the Month; and

1-15           WHEREAS, His safe driving record and excellent skills in

1-16     interacting with the public have made Frank Hutchinson a valuable

1-17     asset to the company; and

1-18           WHEREAS, An employee of Houston METRO since 1993,

1-19     Frank Hutchinson works out of the Kashmere Facility and has

1-20     earned the respect and admiration of his colleagues as well

1-21     as his passengers; and

1-22           WHEREAS, Noted for his diligence and ability, Mr. Hutchinson

1-23     is truly deserving of the recognition bestowed on him; now,

 2-1     therefore, be it

 2-2           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

 2-3     75th Legislature, hereby commend Frank Hutchinson for his

 2-4     exceptional service and dedication to Houston's METRO Authority;

 2-5     and, be it further

 2-6           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for this

 2-7     outstanding employee as an expression of the high regard of the

 2-8     Texas Senate.

 2-9                                  ______________________________________

2-10                                          President of the Senate

2-11                                       I hereby certify that the above

2-12                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

2-13                                  on February 5, 1997.

2-14                                  ______________________________________

2-15                                          Secretary of the Senate

2-16                                  ______________________________________

2-17                                           Member, Texas Senate