By:  Ellis                                             S.R. No. 230

 1-1                                       1

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3                                  In Memory

 1-4                                     of

 1-5                          Ernest Thomas Dixon, Jr.

 1-6           WHEREAS, The Texas Senate wishes to honor the life of service

 1-7     of Ernest Thomas Dixon, Jr., who died on June 29, 1996; and

 1-8           WHEREAS, A native Texan, he was born in San Antonio to

 1-9     Ethel Louise Reese Dixon and Ernest Thomas Dixon, Sr.; he grew up

1-10     on the east side of San Antonio; and

1-11           WHEREAS, Known to his friends as Billy, he graduated from

1-12     Phyllis Wheatley High School in 1939; while he was in high school,

1-13     he served as student principal, was elected president of the senior

1-14     class, lettered in football, and graduated with highest honors; and

1-15           WHEREAS, Quite active in his neighborhood, this promising

1-16     young man was befriended and guided by clergy and lay persons who

1-17     belonged to Jacob's Chapel United Methodist Church; his decision

1-18     to enter the Christian ministry was greatly influenced by these

1-19     helpful people; and

1-20           WHEREAS, In September, 1939, Mr. Dixon entered Samuel Huston

1-21     College in Austin, now known as Huston-Tillotson College; he worked

1-22     several different jobs to pay his way through college, graduating

1-23     magna cum laude in May, 1943; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, In July, 1943, he married Lois Dixon, and the devoted

 2-2     couple had four children, Freddie Brown, Ernest Reese, Muriel Jean,

 2-3     and Leona Louise; and

 2-4           WHEREAS, Ernest attended Drew Theological Seminary, and he

 2-5     assisted churches in Harlem and in Summit, New Jersey; he earned

 2-6     his bachelor of divinity degree in 1945; and

 2-7           WHEREAS, Ordained deacon by Bishop Robert N. Brooks,

 2-8     Ernest Dixon began work as Director of Religious Extension Service

 2-9     at Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University, in Alabama; during

2-10     his six-year tenure, he coordinated a low-cash-cost housing program,

2-11     resulting in the building of two AME Zion churches and several

2-12     demonstration family homes; and

2-13           WHEREAS, Ordained elder by Bishop Brooks in 1946, Ernest

2-14     served as Executive Secretary of the Conference Board of Education

2-15     for two years; in 1952, he moved his family to Nashville when he

2-16     joined the staff of the Division of the Local Church, General Board

2-17     of Education; and

2-18           WHEREAS, This outstanding man of God became President of

2-19     Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1965; in

2-20     1972, he was elected to the episcopacy, and in 1980 he was

2-21     assigned to the San Antonio area, where he served for 12 years;

2-22     he retired in August, 1992; and

2-23           WHEREAS, Bishop Dixon served as President of the Council of

2-24     Bishops for the 1988-1989 term; he donated his time and talents to

2-25     many religious, civic, and philanthropic organizations, including:

 3-1     Planned Parenthood, Health Care Ministries United Methodist Church,

 3-2     United Negro College Fund, Huston-Tillotson College, and Santa Rosa

 3-3     Hospital Foundation; and

 3-4           WHEREAS, Bishop Dixon possessed many of the qualities that

 3-5     make an excellent pastor; he had a quick wit, a commanding eloquence,

 3-6     and a thoroughly persuasive manner; he unselfishly dedicated his

 3-7     life to the members of his churches as well as countless other

 3-8     souls; this revered theologian died on June 29, 1996, and he will be

 3-9     greatly missed; now, therefore, be it

3-10           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

3-11     75th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the members

3-12     of his family:  his children, Freddie Brown, Muriel Jean, and

3-13     Leona Louise; and, be it further

3-14           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for his

3-15     family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas Senate,

3-16     and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in memory of

3-17     Ernest Thomas Dixon, Jr.

3-18                                  ______________________________________

3-19                                         President of the Senate

3-20                                       I hereby certify that the above

3-21                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

3-22                                  on February 24, 1997, by a rising vote.

3-23                                  ______________________________________

3-24                                         Secretary of the Senate

3-25                                  ______________________________________

3-26                                           Member, Texas Senate