By:  Ellis                                             S.R. No. 358

 1-1     By:  Ellis                                             S.R. No. 358

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, The wedding of two fine young people is hailed

 1-4     as a joyous event accompanied by much preparation and anticipation

 1-5     by all parties involved; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, Usha Medi and Atul Dhingra will be united in

 1-7     marriage on March 29, 1997, at Marriott Westside in Houston, Texas;

 1-8     and

 1-9           WHEREAS, With mutual regard and love springing from

1-10     sentiment, emotion, and affection, the devoted couple embarks on

1-11     a journey that will be guided by their unfailing belief in the

1-12     future, themselves, and each other; and

1-13           WHEREAS, Parents, relatives, and friends share the

1-14     felicitous couple's happiness in full measure as they bring two

1-15     families together into one fold; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Usha is the beloved daughter of Smt. Indira and

1-17     Shri. Harinath Rao Medi, and Atul is the esteemed son of Smt. Nimmi

1-18     and Shri. Krishan Dhingra; and

1-19           WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is pleased to send warmest

1-20     congratulations to Usha and Atul as they begin their new life

1-21     together; now, therefore, be it

1-22           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

1-23     75th Legislature, hereby honor Usha Medi and Atul Dhingra on the

 2-1     special event of their marriage and express sincere wishes for

 2-2     future happiness in whatever they do and wherever they go; and,

 2-3     be it further

 2-4           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

 2-5     Mr. and Mrs. Dhingra as an expression of the Senate's heartfelt

 2-6     esteem.

 2-7                                  ______________________________________

 2-8                                          President of the Senate

 2-9                                       I hereby certify that the above

2-10                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

2-11                                  on March 20, 1997.

2-12                                  ______________________________________

2-13                                          Secretary of the Senate

2-14                                  ______________________________________

2-15                                           Member, Texas Senate