1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 455

        1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is especially

        1-3     proud to honor Patience Perry for being selected as one of Texas'

        1-4     top middle-level student volunteers in The Prudential Spirit of

        1-5     Community Awards program; and

        1-6           WHEREAS, The Prudential Insurance Company of America in

        1-7     partnership with the National Association of Secondary School

        1-8     Principals presents the awards annually to honor young people

        1-9     across America for outstanding, self-initiated community service

       1-10     activities; in 1997, nearly 15,000 students nationwide were

       1-11     considered for awards; and

       1-12           WHEREAS, A student at Cherokee High School in Cherokee, Texas,

       1-13     Patience received a bronze Distinguished Finalist medallion from

       1-14     Prudential for her exemplary work producing and distributing the

       1-15     news bulletin at her church; and

       1-16           WHEREAS, The Prudential Spirit of Community Initiative

       1-17     encourages community service by our nation's youth and recognizes

       1-18     the accomplishments of deserving young people who donate their time

       1-19     and abilities to benefit those around them; and

       1-20           WHEREAS, Patience Perry has shown by her example that

       1-21     she embodies a true spirit of giving that will have a positive

       1-22     influence on her peers; such volunteer activities develop a sense

       1-23     of self-esteem and contribute to the personal growth of the

        2-1     individual; and

        2-2           WHEREAS, Patience has earned the admiration of her family,

        2-3     her community, and her state through her contributions to her

        2-4     church, and she is truly deserving of the honor bestowed on her;

        2-5     now, therefore, be it

        2-6           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

        2-7     75th Legislature, hereby extend congratulations to Patience Perry

        2-8     for receiving the Distinguished Finalist medallion and extend best

        2-9     wishes to her in all her future endeavors; and, be it further

       2-10           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for this

       2-11     exemplary young lady as an expression of the high regard of the

       2-12     Texas Senate.

       2-13                                                                  Fraser

       2-14                                  ______________________________________

       2-15                                          President of the Senate

       2-16                                       I hereby certify that the above

       2-17                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

       2-18                                  on April 8, 1997.

       2-19                                  ______________________________________

       2-20                                          Secretary of the Senate

       2-21                                  ______________________________________

       2-22                                           Member, Texas Senate