1-1                                       1

 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 633

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes great pride

 1-4     in recognizing Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock on the occasion of

 1-5     the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the swearing in of

 1-6     the first lieutenant governor of Texas; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, On May 2, 1846, the first lieutenant governor of Texas,

 1-8     Albert Horton, took the oath of office at the original State Capitol

 1-9     at the corner of Colorado Street and West 8th Street in Austin; a

1-10     ceremony honoring that historical event takes place May 2, 1997,

1-11     and the occasion is a fitting opportunity to pay tribute to Texas'

1-12     present lieutenant governor, the Honorable Bob Bullock; and

1-13           WHEREAS, Born July 10, 1929, in Hillsboro, Texas, Bob Bullock

1-14     graduated from Texas Tech University and Baylor Law School; he began

1-15     his extraordinary career in public service when he became a member of

1-16     the Texas House of Representatives in 1957; he was reelected in 1958,

1-17     but resigned to practice law in a Tyler law firm; and

1-18           WHEREAS, Governor Bullock later practiced law in the Rio Grande

1-19     Valley and in Houston, but moved to Austin to serve as an assistant

1-20     attorney general in 1967; in the attorney general's office, he

1-21     earned praise for winning multimillion dollar settlements for Texas

1-22     hospitals in antitrust cases; he served as general counsel for

1-23     Governor Preston Smith from 1969 to 1971 before becoming secretary

 2-1     of state in 1971; during his tenure as secretary of state, major

 2-2     election laws were enacted; and

 2-3           WHEREAS, A man of vast expertise and experience, Bob Bullock

 2-4     was elected to the position of Comptroller of Public Accounts of

 2-5     the State of Texas, where he served from 1975 to 1990; he became

 2-6     noted for his transformation of the office into a nationally known

 2-7     agency by streamlining tax collections and establishing first-class

 2-8     financial research capabilities; and

 2-9           WHEREAS, Bob Bullock became the 38th lieutenant governor

2-10     of Texas when he was sworn in as president of the senate on

2-11     January 15, 1991, and his first term in the office brought

2-12     widespread acclaim for his remarkable leadership ability and

2-13     legislative proficiency; and

2-14           WHEREAS, The extensive accomplishments during

2-15     Governor Bullock's first term as presiding officer of the senate

2-16     include such legislative milestones as the overhaul of state

2-17     spending  practices, the establishment of the Texas Performance

2-18     Review, and the revamping of Texas' health and human services;

2-19     emphasis on crime control led to the largest prison expansion

2-20     project in the nation; and

2-21           WHEREAS, An extraordinarily talented individual of imposing

2-22     political presence, Governor Bullock began his second four-year

2-23     term as lieutenant governor on January 17, 1995, and he has since

2-24     presided over a senate that is more evenly divided between

2-25     Democrats and Republicans than any since Reconstruction; and

 3-1           WHEREAS, A true statesman who is highly respected by his

 3-2     colleagues, Governor Bullock possesses remarkable insight and

 3-3     vision, and he has guided the Texas Senate with exceptional skill

 3-4     and integrity, avoiding partisan politics and concentrating on

 3-5     the betterment of our state; renowned for his determination and

 3-6     incredible endurance, Governor Bullock has set high standards

 3-7     for the current legislative body with his emphasis on hard work,

 3-8     nonpartisan legislation, and goals for the "good of Texas"; and

 3-9           WHEREAS, Throughout his distinguished career, Governor Bullock

3-10     has consistently demonstrated his love of Texas, and he has won the

3-11     confidence, trust, and admiration of its citizens; his dedication

3-12     to Texas and his remarkable leadership will undoubtedly leave a

3-13     profound imprint on the future of the Lone Star State; now,

3-14     therefore, be it

3-15           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

3-16     75th Legislature, hereby pay tribute to Lieutenant Governor

3-17     Bob Bullock on his superior contributions to our state; and, be

3-18     it further

3-19           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

3-20     Governor Bullock as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.

3-21                                                    Truan

3-22           Armbrister           Galloway            Ogden

3-23           Barrientos           Harris              Patterson

3-24           Bivins               Haywood             Ratliff

3-25           Brown                Lindsay             Shapiro

3-26           Cain                 Lucio               Shapleigh

3-27           Carona               Luna                Sibley

3-28           Duncan               Madla               Wentworth

3-29           Ellis                Moncrief            West

3-30           Fraser               Nelson              Whitmire

 4-1           Gallegos             Nixon               Zaffirini

 4-2                      Bullock, President of the Senate

 4-3                                  ______________________________________

 4-4                                            Dean of the Senate

 4-5                                       I hereby certify that the above

 4-6                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

 4-7                                  on May 9, 1997.

 4-8                                  ______________________________________

 4-9                                          Secretary of the Senate