1-1                                       1

 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 663

 1-3           WHEREAS, The German singing society Lied Hoch of

 1-4     Glueckstadt, Germany, was founded in 1893; Lied Hoch developed

 1-5     from the Glueckstadt Family Club, an organization made up of 18

 1-6     men who gathered together for fellowship and decided to form a

 1-7     "good singing choir"; quartets, ensembles, and later a choir

 1-8     developed; and the choir has grown to include more than 100

 1-9     singers since its establishment; and

1-10           WHEREAS, The choir has continued to be one of Germany's finest

1-11     choirs, performing at many cultural and festival events throughout

1-12     Germany, and it is continuing to develop a well-deserved reputation

1-13     throughout Europe and the United States; and

1-14           WHEREAS, In 1964, the choir received an invitation to visit

1-15     and sing in Texas; the descendants of the brothers, Hermann and

1-16     Wilhelm Bohn, who had emigrated to Texas more than 100 years ago,

1-17     were members of the Austin Saengerrunde; their descendants, William,

1-18     Hermann, Johannes, and their brother-in-law Manfred Holck were

1-19     responsible for developing a close relationship between the

1-20     Austin Saengerrunde and Lied Hoch; and

1-21           WHEREAS, The first trip to Texas occurred in 1966 and was a

1-22     wonderful experience; friendships made then led to an invitation

1-23     for the Texans to visit Germany; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, A singing society formed by members of all of the

 2-2     German singing societies in Texas in 1965, called Chorgemeinschaft

 2-3     Texas, went on a singing tour of Germany in 1966, participated in

 2-4     the International Sangerfest in Stuttgart, Germany, and presented

 2-5     many other concerts, including a grand reunion with the Lied Hoch

 2-6     choir in Glueckstadt, Germany; and

 2-7           WHEREAS, Exchange tours have continued on a regular schedule

 2-8     since that date; Lied Hoch visited Texas again in 1971, 1979, and

 2-9     1988 and will visit once more in May, 1997; Chorgemeinschaft Texas

2-10     toured Germany in 1975, 1983, and 1993, when they were present for

2-11     the 100th anniversary celebration of Lied Hoch; and

2-12           WHEREAS, This year marks the fifth tour of Lied Hoch to Texas;

2-13     the choir will again visit and present concerts in Houston,

2-14     San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, where they will be the special

2-15     guest choir of the Dallas Frohsinn Singing Society as it celebrates

2-16     its 120th anniversary; and

2-17           WHEREAS, Chorgemeinschaft Lied Hoch of Glueckstadt, Germany,

2-18     looks forward to touring Texas and sharing their musical talents

2-19     with the wonderful people of Texas; now, therefore, be it

2-20           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas hereby welcome

2-21     and commend the Chorgemeinschaft Lied Hoch of Germany as it visits

2-22     our Capital City; and, be it further

2-23           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for this

2-24     outstanding singing group as an expression of the highest regard

2-25     and esteem of the Texas Senate.

 3-1                                                              Barrientos

 3-2                                  ______________________________________

 3-3                                          President of the Senate

 3-4                                       I hereby certify that the above

 3-5                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

 3-6                                  on May 7, 1997.

 3-7                                  ______________________________________

 3-8                                          Secretary of the Senate

 3-9                                  ______________________________________

3-10                                           Member, Texas Senate