1-1                                       1

 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 770

 1-3                                  In Memory

 1-4                                     of

 1-5                                John W. Mason

 1-6           WHEREAS, The citizens of Mount Pleasant and the

 1-7     Titus County Water District have lost a longtime friend and

 1-8     one of their most revered citizens with the death of John W. Mason

 1-9     on February 4, 1997, at the age of 71; and

1-10           WHEREAS, Born on September 20, 1925, he was the son of

1-11     Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Mason; John W. Mason lived most of his

1-12     life in Titus County; and

1-13           WHEREAS, A lifelong patriot, he served his country honorably

1-14     during World War II in the United States Army and was discharged

1-15     in 1947; and

1-16           WHEREAS, John Mason attended and graduated from East Texas

1-17     State College; and

1-18           WHEREAS, During his tenure as Titus County Tax Assessor and

1-19     as County Judge, Mr. Mason loyally and faithfully addressed the

1-20     needs of his fellow citizens; and

1-21           WHEREAS, In 1973, he was hired as executive director of the

1-22     Titus County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1, where he worked

1-23     for almost 24 years; he was the one credited with the success of

 2-1     the water district; and

 2-2           WHEREAS, The Titus County Fresh Water District was able

 2-3     to do away with the yearly property tax because of Mr. Mason's

 2-4     unparalleled ability to handle and invest the district's money;

 2-5     and

 2-6           WHEREAS, A devout Christian, he was an active member and

 2-7     served as an elder and trustee of the First Presbyterian Church,

 2-8     Mount Pleasant; and

 2-9           WHEREAS, A man who enjoyed the company of his fellows,

2-10     John Mason was a member and past Master of Temple Lodge Number

2-11     70, a member of Scottish Rite and Shriners, and a member and past

2-12     president of the Kiwanis Club; and

2-13           WHEREAS, An exemplary and notable man, John W. Mason was

2-14     highly respected for his many accomplishments and was a respected

2-15     leader in his town and state; and

2-16           WHEREAS, He leaves a legacy of compassion and commitment that

2-17     will be remembered with gratitude by all those who knew and loved

2-18     him; now, therefore, be it

2-19           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

2-20     75th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the

2-21     members of his family:  his wife, Margaret Mason; his sons and

2-22     daughter-in-law, William H. Mason and James and Sally Mason; and

2-23     his granddaughter, Amelia Elizabeth Mason; and, be it further

2-24           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for his

2-25     family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas Senate,

 3-1     and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in memory of

 3-2     John W. Mason.

 3-3                                                                 Ratliff

 3-4                                  ______________________________________

 3-5                                         President of the Senate

 3-6                                       I hereby certify that the above

 3-7                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

 3-8                                  on May 17, 1997, by a rising vote.

 3-9                                  ______________________________________

3-10                                         Secretary of the Senate

3-11                                  ______________________________________

3-12                                           Member, Texas Senate