1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 786

        1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas proudly recognizes

        1-3     Reverend A. R. Evans for his 25 years of loyal service as pastor

        1-4     of New Lincoln Missionary Baptist Church; and

        1-5           WHEREAS, Reverend Evans became pastor of New Lincoln Missionary

        1-6     Baptist Church in 1972, and his 25th anniversary is an opportunity

        1-7     for the congregation and the community to express appreciation to

        1-8     him for his guidance and dedication; and

        1-9           WHEREAS, Over the last 25 years, Reverend Evans has ministered

       1-10     faithfully to the spiritual needs of countless Christians; and

       1-11           WHEREAS, During his tenure with the church, he has

       1-12     played a major role in the establishment of numerous programs

       1-13     and committees, including the Deacons' Board, Finance Committee,

       1-14     Youth Department, Bible Study, Outreach Ministry, Prayer Ministry,

       1-15     and Music Ministry; and

       1-16           WHEREAS, Under Reverend Evans' outstanding leadership,

       1-17     the church has provided enlightenment, hope, and support to the

       1-18     community, and the church has flourished and expanded; the church

       1-19     now has a Computer Learning Center and plans to build a Family Life

       1-20     Center; and

       1-21           WHEREAS, A man of spiritual depth and devotion,

       1-22     Reverend Evans has performed countless ceremonies and has

       1-23     prayed for and counselled his church members during their hardships

        2-1     and in times of bereavement; his leadership has been inspirational

        2-2     to members of his congregation, and he has had a positive impact

        2-3     on each of their lives; now, therefore, be it

        2-4           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

        2-5     75th Legislature, hereby join the members of New Lincoln

        2-6     Missionary Baptist Church in commending Reverend A. R. Evans

        2-7     for his fervent service to his church, his fellowman, and his

        2-8     community; and, be it further

        2-9           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

       2-10     him as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.

       2-11                                                                    West

       2-12                                  ______________________________________

       2-13                                          President of the Senate

       2-14                                       I hereby certify that the above

       2-15                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

       2-16                                  on May 21, 1997.

       2-17                                  ______________________________________

       2-18                                          Secretary of the Senate

       2-19                                  ______________________________________

       2-20                                           Member, Texas Senate