1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 787

        1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to

        1-3     extend congratulations to Laura Bisso on her notable achievement;

        1-4     and

        1-5           WHEREAS, Laura is a student at Strack Intermediate School

        1-6     and was recently elected Vice President of the Strack Intermediate

        1-7     School Student Council; and

        1-8           WHEREAS, Admired by students and teachers alike, Laura is an

        1-9     excellent student who is deserving of the honor bestowed on her; and

       1-10           WHEREAS, A personable young lady who strives to do her very

       1-11     best in all her endeavors, Laura has worked diligently to attain

       1-12     the goals she has set for herself; and

       1-13           WHEREAS, She has demonstrated her leadership abilities and has

       1-14     been recognized by her peers; now, therefore, be it

       1-15           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

       1-16     75th Legislature, hereby recognize Laura Bisso on being elected

       1-17     Vice President of the Strack Intermediate School Student Council

       1-18     and extend best wishes to her for a most rewarding and productive

       1-19     term of office; and, be it further

       1-20           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for Laura

       1-21     as an expression of the esteem of the Texas Senate.

       1-22                                                                Whitmire

       1-23                                  ______________________________________

       1-24                                          President of the Senate

        2-1                                       I hereby certify that the above

        2-2                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

        2-3                                  on May 21, 1997.

        2-4                                  ______________________________________

        2-5                                          Secretary of the Senate

        2-6                                  ______________________________________

        2-7                                           Member, Texas Senate