1-1                                       1

 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 796

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is proud to

 1-4     salute the organization Las Chulas del Barrio, a group of parent

 1-5     volunteers who are dedicated to cleaning up their neighborhood;

 1-6     and

 1-7           WHEREAS, The community of Segundo Barrio is one of the

 1-8     poorest in the nation, yet innovative members of the neighborhood

 1-9     have banded together to clean the streets and alleys in their area

1-10     every Wednesday during the school year; and

1-11           WHEREAS, The parent volunteers are committed to making an

1-12     impact on their environment by conducting community cleanups and

1-13     encouraging responsibility among young people for their schools

1-14     and neighborhood by respecting property and building strong

1-15     community pride; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Children and students of the volunteers are known

1-17     as El Futuro del Barrio and are provided with T-shirts with that

1-18     designation; they help in the cleanups and are planning and

1-19     implementing a beautification project for Guillen Middle School;

1-20     and

1-21           WHEREAS, Las Chulas will furnish brooms, shovels, gloves,

1-22     and bags for the collected trash; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Las Chulas was recognized by Keep Texas Beautiful

 2-1     in 1995 as the Civic Organization Honoree for the whole state,

 2-2     and recently Keep America Beautiful announced that Las Chulas is

 2-3     included in the top six groups in the nation for its efforts to

 2-4     keep the youth of the neighborhood involved and the community

 2-5     clean; the recognition has certainly been an honor; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, The outstanding men and women who serve their

 2-7     community as members of Las Chulas del Barrio include:

 2-8     Evelyn Chisari, Margarita Gonzalez, Manuela Rivas, Ester Villagrana,

 2-9     Socorro Gonzalez, Maria Villalobos, Maria del Refugio Mendoza,

2-10     Maria Montes, Maria Ester Carrillo, Maria Concepcion Macias,

2-11     Martina Garcia, Librada Lozano, Dolores Ceniceros, Melida Jauregui,

2-12     Leticia Rodriguez, Consuelo Rodriguez, Cristina Fonseca,

2-13     Dolores Cabral, Candice Brewer, Eloisa Ramirez, Guadalupe Perez,

2-14     Monserrat Rivas, Marta Gaytan, Nora Montes, and Lisa Romero; now,

2-15     therefore, be it

2-16           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

2-17     75th Legislature, hereby congratulate Las Chulas del Barrio for

2-18     its success and effectiveness and wish the members well in their

2-19     future endeavors; and, be it further

2-20           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as an

2-21     expression of the highest regard and esteem of the Texas Senate.

2-22                                                               Shapleigh

2-23                                  ______________________________________

2-24                                          President of the Senate

2-25                                       I hereby certify that the above

2-26                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

2-27                                  on May 21, 1997.

2-28                                  ______________________________________

 3-1                                          Secretary of the Senate

 3-2                                  ______________________________________

 3-3                                           Member, Texas Senate