1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 852

        1-2           WHEREAS, After years of dedication, hard work, and

        1-3     perseverance, Sarah Trampota will graduate from East Central

        1-4     High School in San Antonio as one of the five valedictorians

        1-5     in her class, and the Texas Senate is proud to recognize her

        1-6     on achieving this notable distinction; and

        1-7           WHEREAS, The family and friends of this outstanding

        1-8     student are justly proud of her impressive achievement; and

        1-9           WHEREAS, An exemplary pupil, Sarah established her goals

       1-10     early and pursued them successfully; and

       1-11           WHEREAS, East Central High School has never had five

       1-12     valedictorians in the past, and the school is proud of its

       1-13     five top achievers; and

       1-14           WHEREAS, One who has always motivated herself to study and

       1-15     attain her aspirations, Sarah plans to go to Texas A&M University,

       1-16     where she will study biology; and

       1-17           WHEREAS, It is a pleasure for the Texas Senate to recognize

       1-18     the exceptional achievements of this remarkable young woman; now,

       1-19     therefore, be it

       1-20           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

       1-21     75th Legislature, hereby congratulate and commend Sarah Trampota

       1-22     on earning the designation of valedictorian and extend best

       1-23     wishes for her future endeavors; and, be it further

        2-1           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

        2-2     Sarah as an expression of the high regard of the Texas Senate.

        2-3                                                                   Madla

        2-4                                  ______________________________________

        2-5                                          President of the Senate

        2-6                                       I hereby certify that the above

        2-7                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

        2-8                                  on May 24, 1997.

        2-9                                  ______________________________________

       2-10                                          Secretary of the Senate

       2-11                                  ______________________________________

       2-12                                           Member, Texas Senate