1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 864

        1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pride

        1-3     in joining the Lockheed Martin Fort Worth Management Association

        1-4     Chapter of the National Management Association in declaring

        1-5     June 2 through 7, 1997, Management Week in Texas; and

        1-6           WHEREAS, The National Management Association is sponsoring

        1-7     the 14th Annual Management Week in America June 2 through 7, and

        1-8     it is fitting that Texas follow suit in recognition of management

        1-9     as a profession and a key ingredient in the operation of our state;

       1-10     and

       1-11           WHEREAS, The National Management Association was created

       1-12     in 1925 through the inspiration of Charles F. Kettering, a great

       1-13     inventor; since then, the association has developed and made

       1-14     available to its members more than 2,500 hours of management

       1-15     course study and has continued to award outstanding achievers

       1-16     in the field of management; in 1984, the association presented

       1-17     the American Manager of the Year Award to President Reagan; and

       1-18           WHEREAS, Responsible management practices are vital to

       1-19     the success of our state and national government, businesses, and

       1-20     industry, and Management Week in America is an opportunity to

       1-21     express appreciation to the millions of managers who offer support

       1-22     to the American competitive enterprise system; and

       1-23           WHEREAS, Established by the National Management Association,

        2-1     Management Week in America encourages improvement in management,

        2-2     fosters respect for the profession, and strengthens understanding

        2-3     of the role of management in the economy; now, therefore, be it

        2-4           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

        2-5     75th Legislature, hereby encourage all Texans to observe Management

        2-6     Week in Texas June 2 through 7 and extend best wishes to Lockheed

        2-7     Martin Fort Worth Management Association for an informative,

        2-8     productive, and celebratory week; and, be it further

        2-9           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the

       2-10     Lockheed Martin Fort Worth Management Association as an expression

       2-11     of esteem from the Texas Senate.

       2-12                                                                Moncrief

       2-13                                  ______________________________________

       2-14                                          President of the Senate

       2-15                                       I hereby certify that the above

       2-16                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

       2-17                                  on May 26, 1997.

       2-18                                  ______________________________________

       2-19                                          Secretary of the Senate

       2-20                                  ______________________________________

       2-21                                           Member, Texas Senate