LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session May 30, 1997 TO: Honorable Bob Bullock Honorable James E. "Pete" Laney Lieutenant Governor Speaker of the House House of Representatives Austin, Texas Senate Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB4 ( relating to residence homestead school property tax exemptions and tax limitations, allocating and dedicating certain state funds for education, limiting the increase in school property tax rates, and providing for certain additional revenue; making an appropriation) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB4-Conference Committee Report Implementation of the provisions of the bill through the biennium ending August 31, 1999 would result in an impact of $1,044,554,000 for the $10,000 residential homestead exemption increase, an increase in Lottery revenue of $299,912,000 and $170,000,000 reduction in the amount of appropriations in House Bill 1. Appropriations: The bill would appropriate the following amounts: Fiscal Year Appropriation Net out of Reductions General to Revenue Fund Appropriations in House Bill 1 out of The General Revenue Fund 0001 0001 1998 $520,000,000($140,000,000) 1999 520,000,000 (30,000,000) Fiscal Analysis SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY TAXES The bill would require the state to reimburse local school districts for lost ad valorem tax revenue from a $10,000 residence homestead exemption increase. In addition, portability would be provided for the age 65-and-over tax freeze. This provision of the bill would become effective on the effective date of the Act and would apply to school district property taxes imposed for and after the 1997 tax year. For purposes of calculating state aid under the Foundation School Program, local district property values would be calculated as if the homestead exemptions were in effect for the 1996 tax year. SCHOOL FINANCE The bill would increase the Basic Allotment from $2,387 per student to $2,396 per student. The increased state aid from the homestead exemption, in conjunction with the increased basic allotment, would trigger an increase in the minimum teacher salary schedule. Local districts would be held harmless for payroll increases required to meet the new minimum. A guaranteed yield, set at $28 per student, would be created for new facilities, limited by appropriation. Notes: 1) The amount appropriated in House Bill 1, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, for the Foundation School Program--School Facilities is reduced to $200 million for the fiscal biennium ending August 31, 1999. LOTTERY SURCHARGE The State Lottery Act would be amended to increase the state share of lottery proceeds by reducing the percentage of gross lottery revenue that could be paid in prizes. In addition, lottery proceeds currently transferred to general revenue would be transferred to the foundation school fund, on or before the 15th of the month. GENERAL Some provisions of the bill are contingent on the adoption of a constitutional amendment proposed by House Joint Resolution 4, Seventy-fifth Legislature, Regular Session, 1997. The proposed constitutional amendment will be submitted to the voters at an election to be held August 9, 1997. Methodolgy SCHOOL FINANCE The estimates in this note for school finance are based on district property values presented by the Comptroller of Public Accounts from the Preliminary January 1996 study (local values) and revised Legislative Budget Board projections of student enrollment growth of 2.2 percent per year statewide. In addition, estimates for teacher payroll from the Texas Education Agency were used. ALL OTHER REVENUE ESTIMATES The estimates in this note for all other revenues are based on projections provided by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions of the bill during each of the first five years following passage is estimated as follows: Five Year Impact: Fiscal Year Probable Probable Probable Revenue Probable Revenue Savings/(Cost) Savings/(Cost) Gain/(Loss) from Gain/(Loss) from from Foundation from Foundation School School School School Fund-Over Districts-$10,000 Districts-Over Fund-$10,000 65 Tax Freeze Homestead 65 Tax Freeze Homestead Portability Exemption Portability Exemption 0193 0193 LCL-SCHOOL LCL-SCHOOL 1998 ($511,665,000) $0 ($511,665,000) $0 1998 (532,889,000) 0 (532,889,000) (12,482,000) 2000 (554,893,000) (12,482,000) (554,893,000) (11,791,000) 2001 (577,704,000) (24,273,000) (577,704,000) (11,000,000) 2002 (601,350,000) (35,274,000) (601,350,000) (10,178,000) Fiscal Year Probable Revenue Probable Revenue Probable Gain/(Loss) from Gain/(Loss) from Savings/(Cost) Foundation General Revenue from General School Fund - Fund Revenue Fund / Lottery Proceeds Savings from Reduction in Appropriations in House Bill 1 0193 0001 0001 1998 $1,425,664,000 ($1,294,738,000) $140,000,000 1999 1,559,403,000 (1,390,417,000) 30,000,000 2000 1,634,904,000 (1,457,486,000) 0 2001 1,695,707,000 (1,511,429,000) 0 2002 1,735,642,000 (1,547,023,000) 0 Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds: The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds during each of the first five years is estimated as follows: Fiscal Year Probable Net Postive/(Negative) General Revenue Related Funds Funds 1998 ($240,739,000) 1999 (333,903,000) 2000 (389,957,000) 2001 (417,699,000) 2002 (448,005,000) Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the provisions of the bill are in effect. Local school districts would collect less in local property tax revenues due to the increased homestead exemption. State aid to local districts would increase by a like amount. Source: Agencies: 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts 701 Texas Education Agency - Administration LBB Staff: JK ,RR ,BR ,DD