Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  April 17, 1997
      TO: Honorable Debra Danburg, Chair            IN RE:  House Bill No. 332, Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
          Committee on Elections                              By: Danburg
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB332 ( Relating 
to election precincts and polling places; providing a criminal 
penalty.) this office has detemined the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB332-Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a net 
positive impact of $42,009 to General Revenue Related Funds 
through the biennium ending August 31, 1999.

Fiscal Analysis
The bill would amend several sections of the Election Code. 
  Section 42.0051 would be amended to permit counties with a 
population of 250,000 or more to combine election precincts 
for precincts with between 500 and 750 registered voters.  Sections 
61.001 and 85.037 would be amended to make it a Class C misdemeanor 
for candidates to enter the polling place except to vote or 
conduct other business in the building.  Section 85.062 as amended 
would increase the minimum county population to 120,000 (from 
100,000) before an early voting site in each County Commissioner's 
precinct would be required.  Section 112.006 would be amended 
to make limited ballots by personal appearance available only 
at the main early voting location, rather than the current early 
voting location serving voters of the particular precinct.  
Section 161.006 as amended would remove restrictions for political 
parties to hold primary elections in the same building.  Section 
271.003 would be amended to permit the use of regular county 
polling places as common polling places in joint elections.
The Secretary of State calculated the cost savings that could 
be realized from shared polling places in the primary and primary 
runoff elections by adding the polling place rental costs for 
the 1996 primary ($254,824) to the poll rental costs for the 
1996 primary runoff ($165,261) and deducting ten percent of 
the total of $420,085 to arrive at $42,008.50 savings per primary 
The probable fiscal implications of implementing 
the provisions of the bill during each of the first  five years 
following passage is estimated as follows:
The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions 
of the bill during each of the first five years following passage 
is estimated as follows:
Five Year Impact:
Fiscal Year Probable           
            from General                                                                                  
            Revenue Fund                                                                                  
       1998           $42,009                                                                        
       1998                 0                                                                        
       2000            42,009                                                                        
       2001                 0                                                                        
       2002            42,009                                                                        
         Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds:
The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds 
during each of the first five years is estimated as follows:
              Fiscal Year      Probable Net Postive/(Negative)
                               General Revenue Related Funds
               1998              $42,009
               1999                    0
               2000               42,009
               2001                    0
               2002               42,009
Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as 
the provisions of the bill are in effect.
There would be possible cost savings for counties with populations 
of 100,000 to 120,000 which would no longer be required to establish 
an early voting polling place in each Commissioner's Court precinct.
   Source:            Agencies:   307   Secretary of State
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,PE ,JC