Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  March 30, 1997
      TO: Honorable Steve Holzheauser, Chair            IN RE:  House Bill No. 1178
          Committee on Energy Resources                              By: Holzheauser
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB1178 ( Relating 
to the definition of a marginal gas well.) this office has detemined 
the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB1178-As Introduced

Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a 
net positive impact of $23,418 to General Revenue Related Funds 
through the biennium ending August 31, 1999.
The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal 
basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions 
of the bill.

Fiscal Analysis
The bill would amend provisions relating to marginal gas wells 
and limits on well restrictions as administered by the Railroad 
Commission.  The bill would exempt all marginal gas well from 
proration, not just those producing 100,000 cubic feet of gas 
or less per day.  
The bill may provide some relief for operators who would have 
had to conduct and report annual well tests.  It is estimated 
that an additional 10,500 gas wells would be exempt from proration. 
 Some costs would be incurred as the Railroad Commission would 
need to adjust existing computer programs, however overall savings 
would be achieved as there would be a reduction in the number 
of test reports reviewed, updated, and stored by the commission.
The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions 
of the bill during each of the first  five years following passage 
is estimated as follows:
Five Year Impact:
Fiscal Year Probable           Probable           Change in Number   
            Savings/(Cost)     Savings/(Cost)     of State                                                
            from General       from General       Employees from                                          
            Revenue Fund       Revenue Fund       FY 1997                                                 
            0001               0001                                                                        
       1998          ($8,060)           $15,739             (0.5)                                    
       1998                 0            15,739             (0.5)                                    
       2000                 0            15,739             (0.5)                                    
       2001                 0            15,739             (0.5)                                    
       2002                 0            15,739             (0.5)                                    

         Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds:
The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds 
during each of the first five years is estimated as follows:
              Fiscal Year      Probable Net Postive/(Negative)
                               General Revenue Related Funds
               1998               $7,679
               1999               15,739
               2000               15,739
               2001               15,739
               2002               15,739
Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as 
the provisions of the bill are in effect.
No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
   Source:            Agencies:   455   Railroad Commission
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,BB ,JH