Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  May 4, 1997
      TO: Honorable Judith Zaffirini, Chair            IN RE:  House Bill No. 2509, As Engrossed
          Committee on Health & Human Services                              By: Hilderbran
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB2509 ( Relating 
to a pilot program for the treatment of Alzheimer's patients.) 
this office has detemined the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB2509-As Engrossed
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
It is assumed that only existing clients will be included in 
the pilot.  These are Medicaid clients who are already receiving 
services from the Department of Human Services through the Community 
Based Alternatives Waiver program. The agency estimates that 
a contract with a consultant to assess the program will cost 
approximately $150,000. The consultant will provide an independent 
evaluation of the pilot program to evaluate its effectiveness. 
It is assumed that 50% of the cost of this contract will be 
paid with General Revenue and 50% will be paid with federal 
matching funds. This cost will not significantly impact the 
No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
   Source:            Agencies:   324   Department of Human Services
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,BB ,PP