LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session March 24, 1997 TO: Honorable Bob Hunter, Chair IN RE: House Bill No. 2721 Committee on State, Federal & International Relations By: Hunter House Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB2721 ( Relating to the TexShare library sharing consortium.) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB2721-As Introduced Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a net negative impact of $(2,919,602) to General Revenue Related Funds through the biennium ending August 31, 1999. The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of the bill. Fiscal Analysis The bill would establish, in statute, the TexShare library consortium as a program to be operated by and within the State Library and Archives Commission for libraries at institutions of higher education, including private colleges and universities and community and junior colleges. The bill allows the State Library to collect membership fees, directs the director and librarian of the commission to employ staff sufficient to achieve the purposes of the consortium, establishes an advisory board, and authorizes reimbursement to members for expenses incurred in performing official duties. The bill would allow the commission to accept and spend gifts or grants of money, property or services. The bill authorizes the commission to make grants to institutions of higher education and to enter into group purchasing agreements on behalf of consortium members. The bill would take effect September 1, 1997. The cost to the State Library of providing database access to TexShare members was estimated by tripling the current cost of database contracts (approximately at roughly $350,000 per year) to reflect the increased usage that will result from expanding of membership eligibility. The fiscal note includes costs associated with the additional staff the State Library and Archives Commission would need to establish, maintain, and operate the TexShare program. The State Library estimates that a total of four additional FTEs, at a cost of $152,521 in each fiscal year, would be required. The fiscal note also includes an estimate of the costs for needed equipment, including computers and software licenses; costs to reimburse advisory board member expenses; and the costs associated with contracting for computer programming services and training for member libraries. Methodolgy The State Library and Archives Commission estimates that there are currently approximately 56 libraries that make use of TexShare services. By expanding eligibility for membership to include private colleges and universities and community and junior colleges, it is anticipated that approximately 113 additional libraries, or a total of 169, will make use of TexShare services. This estimate assumes that TexShare services, as administered and operated by the State Library and Archives Commission, will continue at the same level as during the 1996-1997 biennium, and the services, as indicated above, will be used by roughly three times as many libraries. This estimate assumes that TexShare members will continue to pay 25% of the costs of on-line database subscription services, but will not pay membership fees. The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions of the bill during each of the first five years following passage is estimated as follows: Five Year Impact: Fiscal Year Probable Change in Number Savings/(Cost) of State from General Employees from Revenue Fund FY 1997 0001 1998 ($1,482,301) 4.0 1998 (1,437,301) 4.0 2000 (1,437,301) 4.0 2001 (1,437,301) 4.0 2002 (1,437,301) 4.0 Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds: The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds during each of the first five years is estimated as follows: Fiscal Year Probable Net Postive/(Negative) General Revenue Related Funds Funds 1998 ($1,482,301) 1999 (1,437,301) 2000 (1,437,301) 2001 (1,437,301) 2002 (1,437,301) Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the provisions of the bill are in effect. No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source: Agencies: 306 Library and Archives Commission LBB Staff: JK ,TH ,JA