LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session May 6, 1997 TO: Honorable Fred Hill, Chair IN RE: House Bill No. 2750 Committee on Urban Affairs By: Hinojosa House Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on HB2750 ( Relating to certain municipal firefighters and police officers entitled to additional wages; providing a civil penalty.) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by HB2750-As Introduced No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. This bill would entitle firefighters and police officers with fluency in a language other than English to additional wages. This bill would have no fiscal impact on municipalities currently providing additional pay to bilingual fire fighters and police officers. However, this bill could increase costs to municipalities currently not offering additional compensation to bilingual employees in affected departments. Increased costs would depend on the number of bilingual employees to which the bill would apply and the rate of additional compensation granted. According to the Dallas Clearinghouse Survey of Police and Fire Salaries and Benefits, April 15, 1997, of seven municipalities offering some compensation to bilingual police officers and fire fighters, six offered at least $50 per month per employee in additional pay. Assuming a municipality currently not granting additional pay would offer at least the additional $50 per month to bilingual employees upon enactment of this bill, it is estimated that the City of Corpus Christi (335 bilingual police and fire employees), for example, would incur additional annual costs of $201,000, while the City of Lubbock (43 bilingual police and fire employees) would incur additional annual costs of $25,800. Source: Agencies: 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts LBB Staff: JK ,TL