LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session February 13, 1997 TO: Honorable J.E. "Buster" Brown, Chair IN RE: Senate Bill No. 1 Committee on Natural Resources By: Brown Senate Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB1 ( Relating to the development and management of the water resources of the state; providing penalties.) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB1-As Introduced Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a net negative impact of $(37,770,990) to General Revenue Related Funds through the biennium ending August 31, 1999. The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of the bill. Fiscal Analysis The bill would provide a framework for the management of water resources, including drought planning, water rights regulation, financial assistance and data collection. Article I of the bill would designate the Texas Water Development Board as the lead state agency responsible for preparation, coordination and oversight of a comprehensive state drought plan; the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission would be responsible for enforcement during drought conditions. The bill would also create a Drought Planning and Monitoring Committee, which would consist of: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Governor's Office--Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Agriculture and any other entity designated by the governor. Article II of the bill would amend statutory provisions relating to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission's responsibilities in water rights permitting. In addition, the bill would provide a regulatory process and requirements for considering interbasin water transfers. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Water Development Board would assist the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission by providing habitat analyses and water planning data, respectively. Article III of the bill would provide the infrastructure and financial assistance to encourage political subdivisions to develop regional water management plans. The article would also provide a process and procedures for the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission to identify priority groundwater management areas. The article would establish procedures for the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission to create new groundwater districts and would provide districts with specific enforcement powers. The article would create a Groundwater District Loan Assistance Fund to provide loans to newly-created districts for start-up operations. The Texas Water Development Board would administer the fund. Article III of the bill also would require the Railroad Commission to adhere to the groundwater management plan when issuing permits for enhanced recovery. This article also would provide groundwater districts with the authority to assess administrative penalties. Section 3.54 provides a tax exemption for capital equipment used for water conservation or water/wastewater recycling in the manufacturing process. Article IV of the bill also would authorize the Water Development Board to use the principal in the Agricultural Trust Fund for loans to agricultural water conservation districts. The bill would establish the Texas Water Development Fund II (Fund II), a special fund in the state treasury, contingent on passage of a constitutional amendment (SJR 17). Fund II would be created by consolidating existing bond authorizations for water supply, water quality and flood control into a single financial assistance account within the fund; Fund II also would include a state participation account and an economically distressed areas program account. Article V of the bill addresses the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission's regulation of water and wastewater services, rates, service areas and implementation of certain provisions of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996. The article would require entities that merge or purchase water utilities to develop business plans and includes other requirements to ensure a continuous and safe drinking water supply. The article also would allow the Texas Water Development Board to provide loans through the Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Fund (SDWA SRF) to investor-owned utilities, which are for-profit entities. The article would authorize loan subsidies to disadvantaged communities through the SDWA SRF; the Texas Water Development Board estimated a cost to general revenue based on a twenty percent match requirement for providing these loan subsidies. Article VI of the bill would merge TNRIS and the existing Texas Geographic Information Systems Planning Council to form a new Texas Geographic Information Council. The Geographic Information Council would provide oversight and direction to data collection statewide, and would serve as the centralized clearinghouse for natural resources data. The article also would require the Executive Administrator of the Texas Water Development Board to coordinate, conduct, and facilitate the development and use of statewide digital base maps. The Texas Water Development Board cost estimate indicates that the digital base map effort will be completed within four years. In addition, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission provided estimates for enhanced data collection activities to support the provisions of Article VI. Article VII of the bill establishes the effective dates for provisions in the bill. A majority of the provisions would take effect on September 1, 1997, with the following exceptions: sections addressing TNRCC oversight of water rights would take effect immediately; Section 3.54, which would provide for a sales, excise and use tax exemption for water conservation equipment would take effect October 1, 1997; and several sections in Article IV relating to the consolidation of existing bond authorizations would take effect upon passage of a constitutional amendment by the voters and certification of the results by the Secretary of State. Methodolgy The fiscal impact of this bill was assessed by all the state agencies mentioned in the bill. In estimating the costs of the bill, the agencies relied on historical data and past experience for similar programs or requirements. The following agencies estimated costs to their respective agencies based on additional responsibilities. The estimated fiscal impact and FTEs required are shown for the 1998-99 biennium. TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD: -- Lead agency for drought planning and monitoring; water conservation ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($2,227,829) and 3 FTEs -- Financial assistance for regional water planning and groundwater management plans ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($7,856,010) and 7 FTEs -- Administer Agricultural Trust Fund and the Texas Water Development Fund II No additional costs associated with this responsibility. -- Administer financial assistance to investor-owned utilities and disadvantaged communities through the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (state funds satisfy match requirements for loan subsidy provisions of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act) ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($12,400,000) and 0 FTEs -- Coordinate and manage data collection and dissemination, including development of digital base maps (state funds would be supplemented by federal matching funds--at about a 2-1 federal to state funds ratio--and local and private funds) ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($5,825,462) and 4 FTEs; estimated gain to federal, local and private funds for the biennium: $13,995,852 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION: -- Drought planning and monitoring; water conservation; enforcement ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($1,443,012) and 3 FTEs -- Water management through water rights permitting, enforcement, and marketing; review and approval of interbasin water transfers; public participation ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($2,169,035) and 9 FTEs -- Groundwater management, planning and technical assistance; identification of priority groundwater management areas ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($484,015) and 2 FTEs -- Regulate water and wastewater services, rates, and service areas; capacity development ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($1,305,697) and 9 FTEs; estimated gain in federal funds for the biennium: $193,846 and 2 FTEs -- Enhanced data collection and data management ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($2,031,512) and 5 FTEs TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: -- Drought Planning and Monitoring Committee ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($30,000) and 0 FTEs -- Assess impact of regional water plans and groundwater management plans on fish and wildlife ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($450,000) and 2 FTEs -- Data collection ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($20,000) and 0 FTEs RAILROAD COMMISSION: -- Consider groundwater impacts for injection well permits (enhanced recovery) ESTIMATED NET COST to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($49,418) and 0.4 FTEs COMPTROLLER: -- Tax exemption for water conservation and wastewater recycling equipment ESTIMATED LOSS to General Revenue, 1998-99 biennium: ($1,479,000) The State Office of Administrative Hearings and the Attorney General s Office would adjudicate cases referred to them by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. These offices estimated no fiscal impact. Representatives from the Governor's Office--Division of Emergency Management and the Department of Agriculture would sit on the Drought Planning and Monitoring Committee; both agencies estimated no fiscal impact. No estimates were received from state agencies regarding the assessment of administrative penalties. Local governments will be affected by several provisions in this bill. The Comptroller estimated no significant loss of revenue to local governments due to the tax exemption on capital equipment used for water conservation. No information was received from the Texas Association of Counties. Several river authorities indicated that the bill would have no significant fiscal impact or the impact could not be estimated. The bill would impose additional requirements on units of local government that function as water utilities to develop drought contingency plans and management plans. State grant funding would provide a 50 percent match for these costs. In addition, newly created groundwater districts would be able to apply for loans to pay for initial start-up costs. The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions of the bill during each of the first five years following passage is estimated as follows: Five Year Impact: Fiscal Year Probable Probable Revenue Probable Revenue Probable Revenue Change in Number Savings/(Cost) Gain/(Loss) from Gain/(Loss) from Gain/(Loss) from of State from General Water Assistance Federal Funds General Revenue Employees from Revenue Fund Fund Fund FY 1997 0001 0480 0555 0001 1998 ($21,002,532) $1,321,842 $5,742,007 ($493,000) 46.4 1998 (15,289,458) 1,326,842 5,763,007 (986,000) 46.4 2000 (13,846,591) 1,125,327 5,789,139 (1,478,000) 46.4 2001 (10,846,591) 1,125,327 5,789,139 (1,523,000) 46.4 2002 (8,155,557) 0 89,423 (1,563,000) 46.4 Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds: The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds during each of the first five years is estimated as follows: Fiscal Year Probable Net Postive/(Negative) General Revenue Related Funds Funds 1998 ($21,495,532) 1999 (16,275,458) 2000 (15,324,591) 2001 (12,369,591) 2002 (9,718,557) Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the provisions of the bill are in effect. Source: Agencies: 802 Parks and Wildlife Department 551 Department of Agriculture 455 Railroad Commission 360 State Office of Administrative Hearings 582 Natural Resources Conservation Commission 352 Bond Review Board 580 Water Development Board 302 Office of the Attorney General 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts 592 Soil and Water Conservation Board Governor's Office--Division of Emergency Management LBB Staff: JK ,BB ,DM ,NT