Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  February 13, 1997
      TO: Honorable Rodney Ellis, Chair            IN RE:  Senate Bill No. 415
          Committee on Jurisprudence                              By: Brown
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB415 ( Relating 
to associate judges appointed by the district courts and county 
courts at law of Fort Bend County.) this office has detemined 
the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB415-As Introduced
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

The bill would authorize the district and statutory county court 
judges in Fort Bend County to hire associate judges, subject 
to the approval of the commissioners court.  Compensation for 
the associate judges and support staff would be paid by Fort 
Bend County and set by the commissioners court.  It is estimated 
that the cost to Fort Bend County would be approximately $68,000 
per associate judge each year.  Support staff and additional 
operating costs would be approximately $25,000 each year for 
each associate judge.     
   Source:            Agencies:   212   Office of Court Administration
                                         304   Comptroller of Public Accounts
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,PE ,DC