Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  May 5, 1997
      TO: Honorable Bill Ratliff, Chair            IN RE:  Senate Bill No. 918, Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
          Committee on Finance                              By: Patterson,Jerry
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB918 ( relating 
to funding the costs of apprehending certain inmates for whom 
warrants are issued by the Board of Pardons and Paroles or the 
pardons and paroles division of the Texas Department of Criminal 
Justice) this office has detemined the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB918-Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a net 
negative impact of $(21,101,563) to General Revenue Related 
Funds through the biennium ending August 31, 1999.
The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal 
basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions 
of the bill.

Fiscal Analysis
The bill would amend the Government Code to create a new dedicated 
account in the General Revenue Fund called the Fugitive Apprehension 
Account. The Legislature could appropriate funds in the account 
only for the purpose of paying the cost to the Texas Department 
of Public Safety (DPS) of apprehending individuals for whom 
warrants have been issued for violation of parole or mandatory 
supervision conditions.

In addition, the bill would amend 
the Code of Criminal Procedure by increasing court costs by 
$5.00 for all felony convictions and certain misdemeanor and 
municipal ordinances convictions, and by requiring the Comptroller 
of Public Accounts to deposit the receipts resulting from the 
increase, less a local collection fee, into the Fugitive Apprehension 

The bill would take effect September 1, 1997, with 
the change in court costs only applying to persons convicted 
of an offense covered by the bill on or after September 1, 1997. 
The change in deposits would apply to funds received by the 
Comptroller on or after October 1, 1997.
The Comptroller estimates $11.6 million would be deposited into 
the Fugitive Apprehension Account in fiscal year 1998 as a result 
of the increased court costs. Approximately $17.3 million would 
be deposited each fiscal year thereafter. 

Estimated costs 
to DPS for apprehending the individuals targeted by the bill 
would include expenses for 27 additional staff, equipment, and 
other operating expenses.  As a result of the additional apprehension 
efforts by DPS, additional incarceration costs to the Texas 
Department of Criminal Justice are also estimated.
The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions 
of the bill during each of the first five years following passage 
is estimated as follows:
Five Year Impact:
Fiscal Year Probable Revenue   Probable           Probable           Change in Number   
            Gain/(Loss) from   Savings/(Cost)     Savings/(Cost)     of State                             
            New GR-Dedicated   from New           from General       Employees from                       
            Account            GR-Dedicated       Revenue Fund       FY 1997                              
            8021               8021               0001                                                     
       1998       $11,619,000      ($2,983,975)      ($7,414,063)              27.0                  
       1998        17,342,000       (1,961,333)      (13,687,500)              27.0                  
       2000        17,342,000       (1,961,333)      (13,687,500)              27.0                  
       2001        17,342,000       (1,961,333)      (13,687,500)              27.0                  
       2002        17,342,000       (1,961,333)      (13,687,500)              27.0                  
         Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds:
The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds 
during each of the first five years is estimated as follows:
              Fiscal Year      Probable Net Postive/(Negative)
                               General Revenue Related Funds
               1998         ($7,414,063)
               1999         (13,687,500)
               2000         (13,687,500)
               2001         (13,687,500)
               2002         (13,687,500)
Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as 
the provisions of the bill are in effect.
It is estimated local county jails would incur additional incarceration 
costs as a result of the bill. Costs would vary between counties 
due to several factors, such as different jail operating costs 
and the locations where additional parole and mandatory supervision 
violators would be apprehended. The DPS estimates the bill could 
provide approximately $558,000 each year to local law enforcement 
agencies providing assistance to the DPS fugitive apprehension 

The Comptroller estimates $1.3 million would be retained 
in fiscal year 1998 by local government as a result of the local 
collection fee allowed on the increased court costs.  Approximately 
$1.9 million would be retained each fiscal year thereafter.
   Source:            Agencies:   304   Comptroller of Public Accounts
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,RR ,JN