LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session May 9, 1997 TO: Honorable Rene Oliveira, Chair IN RE: Senate Bill No. 932, Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted Committee on Economic Development By: Sibley House Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB932 ( Relating to abolishing the Texas Department of Commerce and transferring its powers and duties to the newly created Texas Department of Economic Development and Tourism and to certain other economic development programs in the state.) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB932-Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. This bill would abolish the Department of Commerce and the Agricultural Finance Authority and create the Texas Economic Development Agency. The bill would combine the staff of the two abolished agencies to form the new agency. In addition, the bill would transfer program staff and funding involved in economic development activity from several different agencies to the new agency. In addition, the bill would establish the Office of Small Business Assistance and the Office of Rural Affairs. The bill would also place restrictions on grants awarded by the new agency for the Smart Jobs Program. The net impact of transferring existing agency functions to the Texas Economic Development Agency would have a $0 fiscal impact on the state. Establishing an Office of Small Business Assistance and the Office of Rural Affairs would have no fiscal impact because the Department of Commerce would provide funding to these functions out of existing appropriation authority. This estimate assumes no additional appropriation authority would be provided to the new agency. Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the provisions of the bill are in effect. No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source: Agencies: LBB Staff: JK ,TH