LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 75th Regular Session May 15, 1997 TO: Honorable Irma Rangel, Chair IN RE: Senate Bill No. 1419, Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted Committee on Higher Education By: West, Royce House Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB1419 ( Relating to restrictions on the admission of certain persons promised or granted an athletic scholarship or similar financial assistance at a general academic teaching institution.) this office has detemined the following: Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB1419-Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. Similar annual fiscal implications The bill would prohibit institutions of higher education from admitting a student who had received an athletic scholarship or similar financial assistance unless the student met certain mean grade point average standards for all students at the institution. There could be a loss in institutional funds for institutions that offer scholarship athletic programs. However, there would be no fiscal impact to the State. No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source: Agencies: LBB Staff: JK ,LP ,LD