Austin, Texas
                                   FISCAL NOTE
                               75th Regular Session
                                  April 4, 1997
      TO: Honorable Eddie Lucio, Jr., Chair            IN RE:  Senate Bill No. 1762
          Committee on Intergovernmental Relations                              By: Moncrief
          Austin, Texas
         FROM:  John Keel, Director    
In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on SB1762 ( Relating 
to enforcement of laws relating to parking by persons with disabilities.) 
this office has detemined the following:
         Biennial Net Impact to General Revenue Funds by SB1762-As Introduced
Implementing the provisions of the bill would result in a net 
impact of $0 to General Revenue Related Funds through the biennium 
ending August 31, 1999.
The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal 
basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions 
of the bill.
Fiscal Analysis
The bill would require The Department of Public Safety to establish 
a database which could determine the validity of a parking permit 
issued to a person with a disability.
DPS obtained the number of permits issued from two separate 
sets of data maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation 
and DPS.  The recipient of a placard does not necessarily possess 
a driver license or identification card, nor do they necessarily 
have a vehicle registered in their name.  Therefore, there is 
no database which exists with all recipients of the issued placard.

of the new database would require 4 positions in the first year 
and two positions in subsequent years to maintain the database. 

The probable fiscal implications of implementing the provisions 
of the bill during each of the first five years following passage 
is estimated as follows:
Five Year Impact:
Fiscal Year Probable           
            from State                                                                                    
            Highway Fund                                                                                  
       1998        ($898,772)                                                                        
       1998          (94,777)                                                                        
       2000          (94,777)                                                                        
       2001          (94,777)                                                                        
       2002          (94,777)                                                                        
         Net Impact on General Revenue Related Funds:
The probable fiscal implication to General Revenue related funds 
during each of the first five years is estimated as follows:
              Fiscal Year      Probable Net Postive/(Negative)
                               General Revenue Related Funds
               1998                   $0
               1999                    0
               2000                    0
               2001                    0
               2002                    0
Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as 
the provisions of the bill are in effect.
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government 
is anticipated.
   Source:            Agencies:   601   Department of Transportation
                                         405   Department of Public Safety
                      LBB Staff:   JK ,TL ,RS ,RT