House Committee on Appropriations-S/C on Education
         75th Legislature
         February 6, 1997
         8:00 am 
         Capitol Extension, E1.030
         Pursuant to a notice posted on January 29, 1997, the House 
         Committee on Appropriations-S/C on Education met jointly with the 
         House Committee on Appropriations -S/C on Criminal Justice and 
         the House Committee on Higher Education in a public hearing and 
         was called to order by the Chair, Representative Henry Cuellar 
         and the respective chairs of the committees at 8:08 am.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Cuellar; Hernandez; West, George 
                   "Buddy" (3).
         Absent:   Representatives Greenberg; Hochberg (2).
         A quorum was present.
         (Representatives Greenberg and Hochberg now present.)  
         (Senator West, Representatives Berlanga, Maxey, Edwards, 
         Ehrhardt, Serna, Finnell, Lewis, Ron present).
         Hopwood Opinion
         Attorney General Dan Morales offered testimony on Attorney 
         General Opinion 97-001 concerning the Hopwood decision.
         Testimony was taken.  
         At 11:00 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the subcommitee recessed 11:00 am or upon adjournment of the 
         House and reconvened in the Reagan Building, Room 101.
         The Subcommittee on Education was called to order and roll was 
         taken at 11:10 am.
         Present:  Representatives Cuellar; Hernandez; West (3).
         Absent:   Representatives Greenberg; Hochberg (2).
         A quorum was present.
         (Representative Greenberg now present.)  
         (Representatives Rangel and Price present).
         Texas State University System
         Testimony was taken.  See attached list.

         (Representative Greenberg in chair.)  
         (Representative Cuellar in chair.)  
         The Committee stood at ease from 1:00 pm to 1:20 pm.
         Stephen F. Austin State University
         Testimony was taken.  See attached list.
         (Representative Hochberg now present.)  
         Texas Woman's University
         Testimony was taken.  See attached list.
         Texas Southern University
         Testimony was taken.  See attached list.
         (Representatives Thompson, Dutton, Coleman, Edwards, and 
         McClendon present).
         At 5:30 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was adjourned until Monday, February 10, 1997 at 
         8:00 am.
         Rep. Henry Cuellar, Chair
         Sabrina Thomas, S/C Clerk