House Committee on Appropriations
         75th Legislature
         February 12, 1997
         8:00 am or upon adjournment
         Capitol Extension, E1.030
         Pursuant to a notice posted on February 04, 1997, the House 
         Committee on Appropriations met in a public hearing and was 
         called to order by the Chair, Representative Robert Junell at 
         8:10 am.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Averitt; Cuellar; 
                   Davis; Finnell; Glaze; Haggerty; Heflin; Hernandez; 
                   Mowery; Pitts; Price; Tillery; Walker; West, George 
                   "Buddy" (16).
         Absent:   Representatives Coleman; Eiland; Gallego; Greenberg; 
                   Hinojosa; Hochberg;Kubiak; Moreno; Raymond; Swinford; 
                   Turner (11).
         A quorum was present.    
         Accountancy, Board of Public
         (Representative Eiland and Hinojosa now present.)  
         Representative Averitt made a motion to move LBB as amended.  
         Add capital rider to Article 
         XI and maintain Executive Director's salary level.  The motion 
         was adopted.
         Administration Hearings, Office of      
         (Representatives Gallego and Greenberg now present.)  
         (Representatives Swinford and Turner, Sylvester now present.)  
         Representative Junell moves that the agency be left pending.  
         Motion was adopted.
         Architectural Examiners, Board of
         (Representative Hochberg now present.)  
         Representative Averitt made a motion to adopt LBB and a rider by 
         Representative Tillery.  The motion was adopted.
         Barber Examiners, Board of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Averitt made a motion to adopt LBB as amended.  
         Riders 3 and 4 were deleted and a new rider was added.  Chairman 

         Junell made a motion to add $5,000.  Motion was adopted.
         Chiropractic Examiners, Board of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         (Representatives Coleman and Moreno now present.)  
         Representative Averitt made a motion to adopt LBB.  Motion was 
         Cosmetology Commission
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Moreno made a motion to adopt LBB as amended.    
         Add a rider in Article XI authorizing the use of private beauty 
         school tuition protection account.  Add a  rider in Article XI 
         to double the fees and hire 16.5 FTE's.  Add a rider to limit 
         fee increase.  Add a rider requiring a consolidation study.    
         Representative Gallego moves for riders 1 and 2 to be 
         reinstated.               The motion was adopted.
         Credit Union Department
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Moreno moves to adopt LBB as amended.  Add a 
         contingency growth rider.  Add in Article XI  $143,682 for 
         additional salaries and salary administration plan.  Motion was 
         Dental Examiners, Board of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Moreno makes a motion to move LBB.  Motion 
         Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Tillery makes a motion to adopt LBB.   Motion was 
         adopted with pending items.
         At 10:00 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed until February 12, 1997 at 11:00 am or 
         upon adjournment of the House.
         The meeting was reconvened at 11:13 am.
         The roll was answered as follows:  

         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Averitt; Cuellar; 
                   Davis; Eiland; Finnell; Gallego; Haggerty; Heflin; 
                   Hernandez; Moreno; Mowery; Pitts; Raymond; Swinford; 
                   Tillery; Walker; West, George "Buddy" (19).
         Absent:   Representatives Coleman; Glaze; Greenberg; Hinojosa; 
                   Hochberg;Kubiak; Price, Turner (8).
         A quorum was present.    
         Finance Commission of Texas
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         (Representatives Hochberg and Price now present.)  
         Representative Tillery to make a motion to adopt LBB.  Motion 
         was adopted with pending items.
         Banking Department of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Tillery makes a motion to adopt LBB.  Motion 
         (Representative Hinojosa now present.)
         Consumer Credit Commissioner, of
         Representative Tillery makes a motion to adopt LBB.   Motion was 
         Savings and Loan Department
         Representative Tillery makes a motion to adopt LBB.  Motion was 
         Funeral Services Commission
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         (Representative Glaze now present.)  
         (Representatives Coleman and Turner, Sylvester now present.)  
         Representative Tillery moves to increase budget for lease 
         increase.  Motion failed.
         Representative Tillery makes a motion to adopt LBB.   Add a 
         rider requiring Commission to adopt rules for the enforcement of 
         current law prohibiting transportation of bodies without 


         authorization.  Motion was adopted.
         (Representative Greenberg now present.)  
         Insurance,  Department of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Pitts makes a motion to adopt LBB.    Add a rider 
         to reimburse advisory board.  Motion was adopted.
         Insurance Counsel, Office of Public
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness
         Representative Pitts makes a motion to adopt LBB. 
         At 12:16 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed until February 12, 1997 at 2:00 pm.
         The meeting was reconvened at 2:15 for the working session.
         The committee discussed agency budgets.
         The roll was answered as follows:
         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Averitt, Coleman; 
                   Cuellar; Davis; Eiland; Finnell; Gallego; Glaze; 
                   Greenberg; Haggerty; Heflin; Hernandez; Hinojosa; 
                   Hochbberg; Moreno; Mowery; Pitts; Raymond; Swinford; 
                   Tillery; Walker; West, George "Buddy" (24)
         Absent:   Representatives Kubiak; Price; Turner (3)
         A quorum was present.
         At 3:00 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed until February 13, 1997 at 8:00 am.
         ___________________________        ___________________________
         Rep. Robert Junell, Chair          Janis Carter, Clerk