House Committee on Appropriations
         75th Legislature
         February 26, 1997
         8:00 am 
         Capitol Extension, E1.030
         Pursuant to a notice posted on February 06, 1997 and revised 
         on February 21, 1997, the House Committee on Appropriations 
         met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Chair, 
         Representative Robert Junell at 8:17 am.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Averitt; Cuellar; 
                   Davis; Finnell; Glaze; Greenberg; Heflin; Hochberg; 
                   Kubiak; Pitts; Raymond; Swinford; Tillery; Turner, 
                   Sylvester; Walker; West, George "Buddy" (18).
         Absent:   Coleman; Eiland; Gallego; Haggerty; Hernandez; 
                   Hinojosa; Moreno; Mowery; Price (9).
         A quorum was present.
         Article III Special Provisions
         Representative Cuellar moves to take up and consider section 3 
         on revenue enhancement and transfer notification.  Mr. 
         Hochberg is recognized to lay out section 3.  The rider is 
         Representative Greenberg moves to amend Section 11: 
         Prohibition Against Additional Museums.  The motion is 
         Representative Cuellar moves to amend Section 20: Formula 
         Variable and Educational and General Income Audits.  The item 
         is left pending.
         Representative Cuellar moves to amend Section 25:  Elements of 
         Unsponsored Charity Care.  The item is left pending.
         Representative Cuellar moves to amend Section 26:  Unsponsored 
         Charity Care Reporting Requirements.  The motion was adopted.
         Representative Cuellar moves to amend Section 27:  Patient 
         Income Eligibility Guidelines.  The motion was adopted.
         (Representative Moreno now present.)  
         (Representative Hinojosa now present.)  
         Representative Cuellar lays out a new rider on Performance 
         Measures for Urban Institutions.  Representative Hochberg is 

         recognized to explain the rider.  The rider is adopted.
         Representative Cuellar lays out a new rider on Research and 
         Funding.  Representative Greenberg explains the rider.  The 
         rider is adopted.
         Representative Cuellar lays out a new rider on Utilization of 
         Physical Plant by General Academic Institutions.  The rider is 
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 4 on Tenure 
         Requirement.  The item is left pending. 
         (Representative Haggerty now present.)  
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 5 on Faculty and 
         Terminal Degrees.  Representative Greenberg explains the 
         rider.  The rider is adopted.
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 6 on Academic 
         Bootcamp Programs.  The item is left pending.  
         (Representative Eiland and Mowery now present.)  
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 7 on Enrollment 
         Management Plan. The rider is adopted as amended. 
         (Representative Gallego now present.)  
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 8 on Benchmarks for 
         Athletic Programs.  The item is left pending. 
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.?????????????
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 9 on Back to Basics 
         Allocation.  Representative Cuellar withdraws the rider. 
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 10 on Admissions, 
         Scholarship and Financial Aid Criteria.   
         (Representative Coleman now present.)  
         (Representative Hernandez now present.)  
         The rider is adopted.
         Representative Cuellar lays out new Rider 12 on Private 
         Donation for Minority Students.  The rider is withdrawn.
         Chairman Junell moves to leave the rest of the Article III, 
         Special Provisions pending until upon recess.  And for the 
         Committee to take up and consider legislation. 
         (Representative Delisi in chair.)  

         Chair Woman Delisi lays out HB 834 and recognizes 
         Representative Junell to speak on HB 834 on Motor Fuel Tax.  
         No witnesses spoke.
         Representative Kubiak moved that HB 834 be reported favorably 
         to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and 
         be printed.  
         The motion prevailed by the following vote:  
         Ayes:     Representatives Junell; Delisi; Averitt; Coleman; 
                   Cuellar; Davis; Eiland; Finnell; Gallego; Glaze; 
                   Greenberg; Haggerty; Heflin; Hernandez; Hochberg; 
                   Kubiak; Moreno; Mowery; Pitts; Raymond; Swinford; 
                   Tillery; Turner, Sylvester; Walker; West, George 
                   "Buddy"   (25).
         Nays:     None (0).
         Present not Voting:      None (0).
         Absent:   Representatives Hinojosa; Price (2).
         At 9:48 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed until February 26, 1997 at 11:00 or 
         upon adjournment of the House.
         House Committee on Appropriations reconvened at 11:38 am.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Coleman; Cuellar; 
                   Eiland; Greenberg; Heflin; Kubiak; Moreno; Mowery; 
                   Pitts; Raymond; Walker; West, George "Buddy" (14).
         Absent:   Averitt; Davis; Finnell; Gallego; Glaze; Haggerty; 
                   Hernandez; Hinojosa; Hochberg; Price; Swinford; 
                   Tillery; Turner, Sylvester (13).
         Special Provisions, Article III (cont'd) 
         Representative Cuellar lays out New Rider 12 on Post Tenure 
         Review.  The rider is adopted.
         Representative Junell lays out New Rider 13 on Disparity 
         Study.  The rider is adopted as amended.

         Representative Greenberg lays out New Rider 14 on Coordination 
         of Higher Education Technology Collaboration.  The rider is 
         (Representatives Davis and Tillery now present.)  
         Representative Eiland lays out New Rider 16 on Prohibition on 
         Use of Funds for Procedures Not Covered Under Licensing Laws.  
         A vote by the show-of-hands was taken  The rider fails. 
         (Representatives Hinojosa and Swinford now present.)  
         (Representative Glaze now present.)  
         Charity Care Rider
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.  The motion 
         is adopted.
         Chairman Junell moves to adopt existing riders.  The riders 
         are adopted.
         At 11:59 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed until February 26, 1997 at 1:30 pm.
         House Committee on Appropriations reconvened at  1:46 pm.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; Delisi; Coleman; Cuellar; 
                   Davis; Eiland; Finnell; Gallego; Glaze; Heflin; 
                   Hinojosa; Kubiak; Moreno; Mowery; Raymond; Tillery; 
                   Turner, Sylvester; Walker; West, George "Buddy" 
         Absent:   Averitt; Greenberg; Haggerty; Hernandez; Hochberg;  
                   Pitts; Price; Swinford (8).
         A quorum was present.
         Adjutant General's Department
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Turner moved to adopt the LBB recommended 
         budget as amended and two technical corrections.  Add the 
         following to Article XI: funding for facilities modernization 
         and one water supply rider.  The following rider was moved to 

         the bill pattern: a rider relating to temporary assignments.   
         The motion was adopted.
         (Representative Pitts now present.)  
         (Representative Averitt now present.)  
         (Representative Swinford now present.)  
         (Representative Greenberg now present.)  
         Armory Board, National Guard
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Turner moved to recommend the LBB budget as 
         amended.  Move the following to Article XI: 100% federally 
         funded projects, combined federally funded and state funded 
         projects, and one rider relating to temporary assignments.  
         Move the following to the bill pattern: rider granting U.B. 
         authority for unexpended bond proceeds, and funding for 
         operations and maintenance for the Peace Prairie II Project.  
         Delete one rider relating to board travel from the LBB 
         recommended budget. The motion was adopted.
         Polygraph Examiners Board
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Turner moved to recommend the LBB budget as 
         amended.  One contingent revenue rider was moved to the bill 
         pattern.  The motion was adopted. 
         (Representative Hernandez now present.)  
         Health, Department of
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Coleman moves to adopt the LBB budget with 
         pending items and as amended.  Add $6 million to A.1.2..  Add 
         $1.2 million to C.1.1.  Delete $2.1 million in D.2.1.  Change 
         the MOF on D.1.2.  Leave the capital budget rider pending.  
         Add to Article Xi new dollars for construction on state chest 
         hospitals.  Leave laboratory pending.  Add Management of funds 
         in CIDC rider.  Add new contingency rider on A.1.2.  Add new 
         contingency rider on health care standards.  Add new rider on 
         transfer for health professions council.  Add new rider on 
         unexpended balances.  Make two technical corrections.  Add the 
         recommended provisions into Article Xi as listed in working 

         document.  Add a new rider of pediatric Emergency service 
         system (failed on first vote.  reconsidered and passed.)  Add 
         new rider on GME payments.  Add new rider on Birth defects 
         registry.  Add new rider on vendor drug program as amended.  
         Leave pending rider on Abstinence education.  Add new rider on 
         ESRD.  Add new language to transfer funds for the medically 
         under served.   The motion is adopted.
         Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
         Testimony was taken.  See attached witness list.
         Representative Coleman moves to adopt the LBB  bill pattern 
         with pending items and as amended.  Transfer funds from A.1.2. 
         at agency request for cleanup.  Add funds from within budget 
         to A.1.1.  Add funds from within the bill to A.1.2.  Add funds 
         from with the budget to A.1.2.   Add funds from within the 
         bill to A.1.3.  Add funds from within the bill fro A.1.4.  Add 
         funds from within the bill for A.2.1.  Add funds from within 
         the bill for A.3.1.  Add funds from within the bill to A.1.6.  
         Add funds from within the budget to A.1.6.  Add funds from 
         within the budget for A.1.6.  Add funds from within the budget 
         to A.1.3.  Change the MOF by reducing GR  and adding TANF 
         block grant funds.  LBB is instructed to reduce strategies as 
         listed in working document.  Add a new rider on contract 
         quality assurance.  LBB is directed to list items as listed in 
         the working document in Article XI.  Add a new rider on 
         Intensive services.  Add a new rider on law enforcement 
         training.   Add a new rider on reappropriation of funds.  
         Leave reappropriation for alternative services.  Add a rider 
         on TPR HHS 8.  Add a rider as amended on foster care rates.  
         The motion is adopted.
         At 7:17 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was adjourned for a work session until February 
         27, 1997 at 8:00 am.
         ______________________                  ______________________
         Rep. Robert Junell, Chair               Janis Carter, Clerk