House Committee on Appropriations 
         Subcommittee on Major Information Systems 
         75th Legislature 
         June 17, 1998 
         9:30 am  
         Capitol Extension, E1.030 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on June 12, 1998, the House  
         Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Major Information  
         Systems met in a public hearing and was called to order by the  
         Chair, Representative Dan Kubiak at 9:52 am. 
         The roll was answered as follows:   
         Present:  Representatives Kubiak; Greenberg; Hochberg; Mowery;  
                   Pitts (5). 
         Absent:   Representatives Averitt; Finnell; Glaze; Raymond  
         A quorum was present.  Representative Greenberg co-chaired. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Information technology personnel plans were discussed. 
         The subcommittee will recommend to the Legislative Budget  
         Board and the Governor that the following agencies be allowed  
         to exceed their 1.7% salary cap for FY 98 by amounts specified  
         in plans submitted to the Legislative Budget Board and  
              Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; 
              Texas State Board of Medical Examiners; 
              Office of Court Administration. 
         The subcommittee will recommend to the Legislative Budget  
         Board and the Governor that the Health Professions Council be  
         allowed to exceed its FTE cap to accommodate a new information  
         technology position.  The subcommittee endorses the creation  
         of three new information technology positions at the Texas  
         Alcoholic Beverage Commission and will recommend to the  
         Legislative Budget Board and the Governor that the Commission  
         be allowed to exceed its FTE cap for FY 98 and/or FY 99, if  
         necessary, to accommodate these positions. 
         At 10:56 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was recessed until 12:55 pm on June 17, 1998. 
         The committee reconvened at 1:00 pm and was called to order by  
         Representative Kubiak.  The roll was answered as follows:   
         Present:  Representatives Kubiak; Averitt; Greenberg;  
                   Hochberg; Mowery; Pitts (6). 
         Absent:   Representatives Finnell; Glaze; Raymond (3). 
         A quorum was present.  Representative Greenberg co-chaired.  
         The subcommittee will recommend to the Legislative Budget  
         Board and the Governor that the Texas Department of Housing  
         and Community Affairs be allowed to exceed its 1.7% salary cap  
         for FY 98 by amounts specified in a revised plan submitted to  
         the Legislative Budget Board and Governor.  
         At 1:16 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.          
         Rep. Dan Kubiak, Chair 
         Kathleen Gardiner, Subcommittee Clerk