House Committee on House Administration 75th Legislature February 13, 1997 8:00 am Capitol Extension, E1.010 Pursuant to a notice posted on February 12, 1997, the House Committee on House Administration met in a formal meeting and was called to order by the Chair, Representative Tony Goolsby at 8:10 am. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Goolsby; Luna; Bailey; Hamric; Maxey; Telford; Tillery (7). Absent: Representatives Alvarado; Chisum; Hawley; West, George "Buddy" (4). A quorum was present. The chair introduced members of committee, committee staff and explained that no public testimony was to be heard at this organizational meeting. The chair recognized Steve Adrian, Executive Director, House of Representatives Business Office to describe and introduce House support services and personnel. The chair recognized Janice Vastine, Director of the House of Representatives Payroll/Personnel to address the committee on personnel issues. The chair recognized John Bender, Communications Director of the House of Representatives to address the committee on communications issues. The chair opened the floor to committee members to discuss House Administration issues including parking and the House policy and procedures manual. Without objection, the chair named the following members to the Subcommittee on House Policy and Procedure Manual: Representative Luna, chair, Representatives Chisum; Hamric; and Telford. Motion by Representative Telford to allow the chair of the House Administration Committee to act on behalf of the whole committee in matters involving the management of the general budget, approval of expenditure requests by House Members, management of House facilities, coordination with House support personnel and general enforcement of House policies and procedures. The motion was seconded by Representative Luna. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Representatives Goolsby; Luna; Bailey; Hamric; Maxey; Telford; Tillery (7). Nays: None (0). Present not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Alvarado; Chisum; Hawley; West, George "Buddy" (4). At 9:55 am, on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Rep. Tony Goolsby, Chair ______________________