House Committee on Public Health 75th Legislature December 11, 1997 9:00 am Capitol Extension, E1.030 Pursuant to a notice posted on November 24, 1997, the House Committee on Public Health met in a joint public hearing with the House Committee on County Affairs and was called to order by the Chair, Representative Hugo Berlanga at 9:25 am. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Berlanga; Hirschi; Delisi; Glaze; Janek; Maxey; Uresti (7). Absent: Representatives Coleman; Davila (2). A quorum was present. The Committees met to take testimony on the following joint interim charge: Review the Indigent Health Care Act of 1985 for possible updating. The following persons testified on the interim charge: Mike McKinney, M.D., representing the Health and Human Services Commission Randy Washington, representing Texas Department of Health Cindi Krier, representing Bexar County and Texas Conference of Urban Counties Juan Rosel, representing Hidalgo County Betty Armstrong, representing Navarro County and the County Judges and Commissioner's Association of Texas Ron Anderson, M.D., representing Dallas County Hospital District and Parkland Hospital Bonnie Magers, representing Texas Department of Health Pete Duarte, representing Thomason Hospital Mark S. Stauder, representing Mercy Hospital Charles Bailey, representing Texas Hospital Association Robin Moore, representing East Texas Community Health Services and Texas Association of Community Health Centers Jose Camacho, representing Texas Association of Community Health Centers W.S. "Chip" Riggins, J.R., M.D., representing Public Health Region 8 Reyn Archer, M.D., representing Texas Department of Health At 1:32 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Rep. Hugo Berlanga, Chair ______________________ Laura Lawlor, Clerk