House Committee on Public Health Subcommittee on Cardiovascular Disease 75th Legislature August 7, 1998 1:00 pm Capitol Extension, E2.010 Pursuant to a notice posted on July 20, 1998, the House Committee on Public Health, Subcommittee on Cardiovascular Disease met in a public hearing and was called to order by the Acting Chair, Representative Kyle Janek at 1:10 pm. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Capelo; Coleman; Janek (3). Absent: Representatives Delisi; Glaze (2) A quorum was present. Also attending the meeting was Rep. Roberto Gutierrez and Rep. Elliott Naishtat The committee took testimony on the following interim charge: (see attached witness list) Study the effects of cardiovascular disease in Texas and assess the potential to reduce the health, social and economic impacts through affirmative action programs on prevention, care and treatment. At 4:20 p.m. the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________________ Rep. Kyle Janek, Acting Chair ________________________________ Pam Crowley, Clerk