House Committee on Revenue & Public Education Funding, 
         75th Legislature
         March 20, 1997
         11:00 am or one hour after House adjournment
         Capitol Extension, E2.036
         Pursuant to a notice posted on March 14, 1997, the House 
         Committee on Revenue & Public Education Funding, Select met in 
         a public hearing and was called to order by the Chair, 
         Representative Paul Sadler at 1:45 pm.
         The roll was answered as follows:  
         Present:  Representatives Sadler; Brimer; Chisum; Craddick; 
                   Hernandez; Hochberg; Junell; Williamson (8).
         Absent:   Representatives Hilbert; Stiles; Wilson (3).
         A quorum was present.
         Testimony was taken. Please see attached witness list. 
         At 3:40 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was recessed.
         At 4:20 pm, the meeting was called back to order.  The roll 
         was answered as follows:
         The Chair called the committee to order at 4:20 pm.
         Present:  Representatives Sadler; Brimer; Craddick; Hernandez; 
                   Hochberg; Stiles; Williamson; Wilson  (8).
         Absent:   Representatives Hilbert; Chisum; Junell;(3).
         A quorum was present.
         At 4:55 pm, on the motion of the chair and without objection, 
         the meeting was adjourned.
         Rep. Paul Sadler, Chair
         Shannon Riddle, Clerk