MINUTES SENATE COMMITTEE ON HOPWOOD, STATE CONTRACT & EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Tuesday, September 29, 1998 10:00 am U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.11, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Hopwood, State Contract & Employment Practices was held on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos The Hon. Bob Lanier Senator Robert Duncan Senator Teel Bivins Senator Rodney Ellis Senator Frank Madla Senator Bill Ratliff Chairman Lanier was absent due to surgery; Senator Ellis was absent due to his wife being hospitalized for the birth of their child. ***** Senator Barrientos, the Vice-Chairman and Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. The following business was transacted. Senator Barrientos made some opening remarks, and recognized Senator Duncan to make opening remarks. The Chair called the following persons to testify: Kern Wildenthal, M.D., President, U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, to welcome the Committee and testify on Hopwood issues; Barbara Hampton, representing herself, regarding state contracts; Gary Bledsoe, representing the Texas NAACP, regarding all interim charges (testimony attached); Adelfa B. Callejo, representing herself, regarding affirmative action generally; Janice Smith Moss, representing the City of Dallas, regarding employment-related cases involving the City of Dallas; Marcos G. Ronquillo, representing himself; regarding state contracts; and Valentin Arreguin, representing himself, regarding state contracts. On a motion by Senator Duncan, and without objection, the Committee recessed for lunch at 12:10pm until 1:30pm. The Chair called the meeting back to order at 1:40pm, and recognized the following persons to testify: Ray M. Bowen, President, Texas A&M University, regarding Hopwood issues; Frank Newton, Dean, Texas Tech Law School, regarding Hopwood issues (testimony attached); Fay Landham, HUB Coordinator, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, regarding the HUB program; Hopeton B. Hay, Dallas/Ft. Worth/ Arlington Minority Business Development Center, and the Texas NAACP, regarding the HUB program; Teri Flack, Director, Government Relations, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, regarding Fall enrollment data; Lynn Gray Redwine, Policy Analyst, and Wardaleen Belvin, Legislative Liaison, Comptroller of Public Accounts, regarding the status of the Disparity Study. The following persons registered but were unable to testify: Obie Mbakwe, Accountant, MPA General Services Co., Inc., regarding the need to continue the HUB Program; Dr. Hardy Murphy, Associate Superintendent, Fort Worth I.S.D., regarding the Texas Commission on a Representative Student Body; Wyntress Booker Ware, Public Relations Consultant, Mt. Olive Missionary Church and Ware and Associates, Inc., regarding the Hopwood Committee; Viola Jenkins, VitaCare, Inc., regarding the HUB program; and Robert Parks, Brinkman Construction, regarding not being paid by a contractor. There being no further business, at 3:45 pm Senator Duncan moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the Chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ___________________________________ Senator Gonzalo Barrientos, Acting Chair ___________________________________ Cheryl Vanek, Committee Clerk