AND ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES 
                            Tuesday, January 27, 1998 
                                     9:30 am 
                  Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Fort Worth, Texas 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.11, a public hearing of the Senate Interim Committee on  
         Home Health and Assisted Living Facilities was held on  
         Tuesday, January 27, 1998 in Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Fort  
         Worth, Texas.    
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Mike Moncrief                   Senator Gonzalo  
         Senator Drew Nixon                      Senator Mario  
         Gallegos, Jr. 
                                                 Senator Jane Nelson 
         The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.  The  
         following business was transacted.   
         The following members arrived after the roll was called:   
         The Chair introduced and welcomed Fort Worth Representatives  
         Lon Burnam, District 90, and Bill G. Carter, District 9, and  
         Council Member, Lois G. Finkelman, City of Dallas, as guests. 
         The Chair made opening remarks, welcomed invited speakers,  
         state agency staff and the public.  The Chair announced that  
         the purpose of the hearing was to receive testimony from  
         Tarrant County area organizations and families regarding the  
         Committee's charges and to review the survey and complaint  
         process of personal care facilities and home and community  
         support services agencies. 
         The Chair then called the following persons who provided oral  
         testimony on personal care facilities and home health care: 
              Lois Finkelman, Dallas City Council, Dallas 
              Lee S. Anderson, M. D., Tarrant County Medical Society,  
         Fort Worth 
         The Chair thanked Ms. Finkelman and Dr. Anderson for  
         The Chair then called a panel to testify about Tarrant County  
         perspectives regarding the Committee's charges.  The panel  
         members were: 
              Pat Cheong, Director, Area Agency on Aging of Tarrant  
         County, Fort Worth 
              Thomas J. Fairchild, Ph. D., Director of Special Projects  
         on Aging, University of North 
                   Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth 
              Lauralee Harris, Executive Director, Mental Health  
         Association of Tarrant County, Fort 
              Terry Thompson, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Fort Worth 
              Carlela K. Vogel, Member, Texas Board of Human Services,  
         Fort Worth 
         The panel testified and responded to questions from Members of  
         the Committee.  The Chair thanked and dismissed the panel. 
         The Chair then called a panel to testify about the assisted  
         living survey and complaint process.  The  panel members were: 
              Mary Ann Brown, Resident of an assisted living facility,  
         Fort Worth 
              Randy Griffin, President, Legacy Living Centers, Plano 
              Bill Jann, Resident, Fort Worth 
              Beverly McCalmont, Adult Protective Services Supervisor,  
         Texas Department of Protective 
                   and Regulatory Services, Fort Worth 
              Mike Williams, Generalist Surveyor, Texas Department of  
         Human Services, Fort Worth 
         The following persons were called by the Chair to respond to  
         questions from Committee Members 
         about the assisted living survey and complaint process: 
              Marc Gold, Manager, Long Term Care Policy, Texas  
         Department of Human Services, Austin 
              Chris Harper, Licensing Section Manager, Texas Department  
         of Human Services, Austin 
         The panel testified and responded to questions from Members of  
         the Committee.  The Chair thanked and dismissed the panel. 
         The Chair then called a panel to testify about home health  
         care's survey and complaint process. 
         The panel members were: 
              Debbie Hodson, Nurse Surveyor, Texas Department of  
         Health, Arlington 
              Hilda T. Ramsay, Family Member, Sherman 
              Emily Tripp, Vice President of Home Care, Visiting Nurse  
         Association of Texas, Dallas 
         The panel testified and responded to questions from Members of  
         the Committee.  The Chair thanked and dismissed the panel. 
         The Chair recessed at 1:20 P. M. 
         The Chair reconvened the hearing at 2:02 P. M. 
         The Chair then called for public testimony.  The following  
         persons provided oral testimony: 
              Allan Cole, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Jim Roane, Disabled Community, Fort Worth, Texas 
              David Ivan Perry, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Debra A. Green, Texas Department of Human Services,  
         Austin, Texas 
              Bruce Wilke, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Sue Collins, Health Cor, Colleyville, Texas 
              Al Germann, Greenbriar Corporation at Denison, Denison,  
              Debi Laurents, Living At Home/Block Nurse Program, Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              Linda Thompson, Self, Watauga, Texas 
              Michael G. Rich, Grandparents, Arlington, Texas 
              Martha E. Kissinger, League of Women Voters of Tarrant  
         County, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Monica Prather, United Cerebral Palsy of Tarrant County,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              David L. Griffith, Client of Home Health, Fort Worth,  
              Sid Rich, Texas Association of Residential Care  
         Communities, Austin, Texas 
              Mary Teeters, Meals on Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              Cindy Reynolds, Clients in Need, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Johnnie Benson, Colonial Southwest, Inc. and Westchester  
         Health Systems, Fort Worth,        Texas  
              Dr. Barbara Kirsch, Ph. D., National Mental Health  
         Institute on Deafness, Euless, Texas 
              Thomas Price, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Jerry Large, Consumer, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Donna Grzann Helmer, Elderly, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Florence Nagy, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              LaTonne Stout, Deaf, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas 
              Cathy J. Torres, Westchester Health Systems/Social  
         Worker, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Mildred Hogstel, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Velma Wayland, Sister, Fort Worth, Texas 
              John Bryant, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Linda Waddle-Bradford, Alzheimer's and Garden Terrace  
         Alzheimer's Center, Fort Worth, 
              Steve Wadsworth, Centratex, Inc., Brady, Texas 
              Bob Rice, Centratex, Inc., Brady, Texas 
              Gary Humbercon, Centratex, Inc., Brady, Texas 
              Mary Alice Young, Self 
              Rosemary Cox, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Vickie Patterson, Occupational Therapy Practitioners,  
         Duncanville, Texas 
              Colleen Colton, Senior Citizens Services/Tarrant Area  
         Gerontological Society, Fort Worth,          Texas 
              Albert L. Diano, III, Self, Disabled Texan, Fort Worth,  
              Brenda Seawell, Disability Services of the Southwest,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              Jerry Hines, Disability Services of the Southwest, Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              Anthony K. Cutrona, Self, Houston, Texas 
              Sandralyn Hampton, Home Health Care, Osteopathic Medical  
         Center, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Dan Gadbury, CLASS Participant, Haltom City, Texas 
              Kathy Maxey, Texas Association for Home Care, Austin,  
         At 6:26 P. M. Senator Nixon assumed the chair. 
         The following persons registered, and though called by the  
         Chair, did not testify: 
              Joseph Vance, National Guest Homes, Nashville, Tennessee 
              DeDe Chappell, R.N., Chappell Home Health Consulting/  
         Classic Care Home Health,          Arlington, Texas 
              Sharon Atchison, Chappell Home Health Consulting,  
         Arlington, Texas 
              Nickie Allen, Windsor House, Weatherford, Texas 
              Heather Vasek, Texas Association for Home Care, Austin,  
              Roxann Martin, Private Nurses Using CCP, Azle, Texas 
              Les Siter, Harris Methodist Health System-Home Care, Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              S. Wayne Bazzle, Health Cor Holdings, Inc., Dallas, Texas 
              Lisa Staples-Wherry, Ariel Nursing Service, Inc., Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              Beverly Reher, Apex Home Health Care, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Jean Van Trump, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Grumke, Charles, Kathy Grumke, Granbury, Texas 
              Chris Gerard, Home Care Association of Tarrant County,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              David Evans, The Covenant Group, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Wesley Anderson, AARP Chapter #14, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Ronald G. Ammons, Wise County Home Health, Inc.,  
         Bridgeport, Texas 
              Jerry B. Morris, Jr., Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Vernon V. Edwards, Community Volunteer, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Elsie Bradford, Super Citizen and Friends Group, Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              Mazie Randle, AARP Chapter 5129, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Miriam Serrato, Metroplex Association of Residential Care  
         Homes, Arlington, Texas 
              Kathleen Miller, Self, Granbury, Texas 
              Clara Faulkner, President, Fort Worth  Chapter, A. Philip  
         Randolph Institute Organization, 
                   Fort Worth, Texas 
              Mrs. Evelyn Beaty, AARP, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Doris L. Brooks, Living At Home Block Nurse Program,  
         Volunteer Guardian Program, 
                   AARP, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Geraldine K. Jezek, Self, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Kathy Leija, TORCH Healthcare-Morning Star, Lewisville,  
              Jim Collier, Self, Azle, Texas 
              Troy Eubank, Tarrant County Mental Health Mental  
         Retardation, Fort Worth, Texas 
         The following persons submitted written testimony:  
              Lynda Allanach, League of Women Voters of Tarrant County,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              Wesley Anderson, AARP Chapter 14, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Dave Evans, Vice President, The Covenant Group, Fort  
         Worth, Texas 
              Harold Gaspar, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Chris Gerard, Home Care Association of Tarrant County,  
         Fort Worth, Texas 
              Sarah P. Jones, Ph. D., United Way of Metropolitan  
         Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Texas 
              Polly Orcutt, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Jane Phelan, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Irene Ramirez, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Glenda Roberts, Self, Dallas, Texas 
              Bill Stevens, Self, Dallas, Texas  
         There being no further business, at 7:20 p.m., Senator Nixon  
         recessed the Committee subject to the call of the Chair.