HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Business & Industry TIME & DATE: 2:00PM, Wednesday, February 26, 1997 PLACE: E2.014 CHAIR: Rep. Kim Brimer To meet to consider the following: ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 342 Solomons Relating to the contents of a written lease agreement between a landlord and tenant of residential rental property. HB 484 Lewis, Ron Relating to smoke-free dwellings in certain multiunit complexes. HB 1156 Goolsby Relating to parental consent to body piercing; imposing a criminal penalty. HB 1272 Merritt Relating to termination of a lease if a tenant or occupant is convicted of or placed on community supervision for a drug offense. HB 1273 Merritt Relating to the duty of a person placed on community supervision for certain offenses to make disclosure to the landlord of the property where the person resides; providing a penalty. HB 1285 Van de Putte Relating to the application of the open meetings law to certain condominium organizations. ___________________________________________________________________________