HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Insurance

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM OR upon adjournment,
             Monday, April 14, 1997

PLACE: E2.026

CHAIR: Rep. John T. Smithee


HB 82            Longoria
Relating to a prohibition on certain restrictions imposed by
insurers on the performance of professional health care services by
health care practitioners.

HB 1544            Lewis, Glenn
Relating to the licensing and regulation of public adjusters;
providing criminal penalties.

HB 2058            Delisi
Relating to the certification, operation, powers, and duties of
certain integrated health plans.

HB 2090            Averitt
Relating to the regulation of stop loss insurance policies.

HB 2221            Turner, Bob
Relating to limitations upon the amount of life insurance risk that
may be written by certain agents of or assumed by a stipulated
premium insurance company.

HB 2438            Chisum
Relating to the fire insurance rates and fire suppression ratings
of a municipality at or near the state's borders.

HB 2503            Garcia
Relating to certain solicitations made in relation to insured fire
losses; providing a penalty.

HB 2774            Coleman
Relating to coverage by certain health benefit plans for children
with serious emotional disturbances.

HB 2795            Averitt
Relating to the composition and powers of the Texas Health Benefits
Purchasing Cooperative; amending Chapter 26, Insurance Code; and
declaring an emergency.

HB 2842            Brimer
Relating to the conversion of mutual insurance companies to stock
insurance companies.

HB 2873            Goodman
Relating to the exemption for large risk insurance policies.

HB 3027            Smithee
Relating to recoupment of certain professional liability discounts
in lieu of reimbursement under Chapter 110, Civil Practices and
Remedies Code; and declaring an emergency.

HB 3152            Hilbert
Relating to certain servicing agents for life insurance companies.

HB 3158            Hilbert
Relating to certain construction bonds executed by sureties.

HB 3264            Dutton / et al.
Relating to the regulation and policy forms of certain lines of

HB 3391            Smithee
Relating to the licensing of banks as insurance agents; providing a

HB 3420            Luna, Vilma
Relating to prescription drug coverage under health plans offered
by health maintenance organizations.

HB 1937            Flores
Relating to the suspension of driver's license of a person
convicted of offense of operating a motor vehicle without liability

HB 2140            Counts
Relating to the licensing of agents for the sale of credit

HB 2887            Dutton
Relating to promotional or educational activities of title
insurance entities.



HB 1937
HB 2140
HB 2887