COMMITTEE ACTION REPORT

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Monday, April 21, 1997



Lower Colorado River Authority

Pamela R. Akins               Appointed 02-12-97 for a      Fraser
Burnet County                 term to expire 02-01-03

Gay W. Gaddis                 Appointed 04-01-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Frederick L. Henneke          Appointed 06-08-95 for a      Wentworth
Kerr County                   term to expire 02-01-99

Patricia J. Kirk              Appointed 02-12-97 for a      Fraser
San Saba County               term to expire 02-01-03

Hilda C. Kroll                Reappointed 06-08-95 for a    Wentworth
Blanco County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Gale M. Lincke                Appointed 02-12-97 for a      Armbrister
Fayette County                term to expire 02-01-03

Arthur J. Milberger           Appointed 02-12-97 for a      Armbrister
Matagorda County              term to expire 02-01-03

E. Peter Pincoffs             Appointed 06-08-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Steve D. Rivers               Appointed 06-08-95 for a      Armbrister
Bastrop County                term to expire 02-01-01

John J. Weidner               Appointed 02-12-97 for a      Fraser
Brown County                  term to expire 02-01-03

Texas Board of Nursing Facility Administrators

Ramona Kennedy                Appointed 06-30-95 for a      Nelson
Denton County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Jack R. Tinsley               Appointed 06-30-95 for a      Shapiro
Collin County                 term to expire 02-01-99

Jerry Turner                  Appointed 06-30-95 for a      Sibley
Hill County                   term to expire 02-01-01

Audrey G. Williamson          Appointed 09-05-95 for a      Armbrister
Bastrop County                term to expire 02-01-01

Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

Mary E. Ainslie               Appointed 04-14-97 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County              term to expire 02-01-03

Robert B. Arnot               Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Fraser
Stephens County               term to expire 02-01-03

Rodolfo Garcia                Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Brown
Brazoria County               term to expire 02-01-03

Shirley M. Herring            Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Ogden
Washington County             term to expire 02-01-03

Ernest M. Koy                 Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Armbrister
Austin County                 term to expire 02-01-03

J. Rodney Lee                 Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Sibley
McLennan County               term to expire 02-01-03

Nancy N. Rabb                 Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Wentworth
Williamson County             term to expire 02-01-03

Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

Ann M. Hargett                Appointed 05-02-96 for a      Fraser
Coleman County                term to expire 02-01-01

Nan K. Markland               Appointed 05-02-96 for a      Fraser
Coleman County                term to expire 02-01-01

Ronald W. Owens               Appointed 05-02-96 for a      Fraser
Coleman County                term to expire 02-01-01

Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

George R. Alderman            Reappointed 01-18-96 for a    Fraser
Runnels County                term to expire 02-01-01

Ralph E. Hoelscher            Appointed 01-18-96 for a      Wentworth
Tom Green County              term to expire 02-01-01

Jeffie H. Roberts             Appointed 05-02-96 for a      Fraser
Coke County                   term to expire 02-01-99

Doris M. Sonnenberg           Appointed 01-18-96 for a      Fraser
Coke County                   term to expire 02-01-01

Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

Marsha E. Copeland            Appointed 09-11-95 for a      Wentworth
Kerr County                   term to expire 02-01-01

T. Beck Gipson                Appointed 09-11-95 for a      Wentworth
Kerr County                   term to expire 02-01-01

George G. MacDonald, Jr.      Appointed 09-11-95 for a      Wentworth
Kerr County                   term to expire 02-01-01

William H. Williams, II       Appointed 09-11-95 for a      Wentworth
Kerr County                   term to expire 02-01-99

Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

William A. Blackwell          Reappointed 08-09-95 for a    Armbrister
DeWitt County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Anne Cooper                   Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Barrientos
Hays County                   term to expire 02-01-01

Ashley H. Turberville         Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Armbrister
Gonzales County               term to expire 02-01-01

Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

Sandra R. Green               Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Armbrister
Jackson County                term to expire 05-01-01

Charles M. Hasdorff           Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Armbrister
Jackson County                term to expire 05-01-01

Michael W. Menefee            Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Armbrister
Jackson County                term to expire 05-01-01

Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

Ernestine Carson              Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Madla
Edwards County                term to expire 02-01-01

William I. Dillard            Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Zaffirini
Uvalde County                 term to expire 02-01-01

James F. Dodson               Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Ariel A. Garcia               Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Hazel R. Graff                Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Madla
Medina County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Kay L. Jasik                  Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Zaffirini
Atascosa County               term to expire 02-01-01

Beth R. Knolle                Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Truan
Jim Wells County              term to expire 02-01-99

Patty P. Mueller              Appointed 10-16-95 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Sabine River Authority Board of Directors

Karen C. Hampton              Appointed 07-24-95 for a      Ratliff
Smith County                  term to expire 07-06-01

Joyce P. Hugman               Appointed 05-24-96 for a      Ratliff
Gregg County                  term to expire 07-06-97

Margin S. Latham              Appointed 07-24-95 for a      Ratliff
Hopkins County                term to expire 07-06-01

Texas Sabine River Compact Commission

Frank E. Parker               Appointed 06-28-96 for a      Nixon
Shelby County                 term to expire 07-12-01
