                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Monday, May 19, 1997

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla



Credit Union Commission

Garold R. Base                Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Shapiro
Collin County                 term to expire 02-15-01

Richard A. Glasco, Jr.        Appointed 05-05-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 02-15-03

Robert S. Hayes               Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Bivins
Randall County                term to expire 02-15-01

L. Gail Mackie                Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Nelson
Tarrant County                term to expire 02-15-01

J. Howell Thomas              Appointed 05-05-97 for a      Patterson
Harris County                 term to expire 02-15-03

Texas Optometry Board

Carolyn R. Carmen-Merrifield  Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Harris
Tarrant County                term to expire 01-31-01

Kevin D. Dewolfe              Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 01-31-01

Katherine M. Garrett          Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Sibley
Palo Pinto County             term to expire 01-31-97

Mark A. Latta                 Appointed 05-02-96 for a      Bivins
Randalls County               term to expire 01-31-99

Texas Southern University Board of Regents

Albert C. Black, Jr.          Appointed 12-02-96 for a      West
Dallas County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Thomas H. Friedberg           Appointed 11-10-95 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County              term to expire 02-01-97
                              Reappointed 05-06-97 for a
                              term to expire 02-01-03

Willard L. Jackson, Jr.       Appointed 11-10-95 for a      Brown
Harris County                 term to expire 02-01-99

Texas State University System Board of Regents

John P. Hageman               Appointed 04-08-97 for a      Wentworth
Williamson County             term to expire 02-01-03

Thomas M. Moeller             Appointed 07-06-95 for a      Galloway
Jefferson County              term to expire 02-01-01

Nancy R. Neal                 Appointed 04-08-97 for a      Duncan
Lubbock County                term to expire 02-01-03

Floyd Nickerson               Appointed 04-08-97 for a      Fraser
Taylor County                 term to expire 02-01-03

Pollyanna A. Stephens         Appointed 07-06-95 for a      Wentworth
Tom Green County              term to expire 02-01-01

Macedonio Villarreal          Appointed 07-06-95 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County              term to expire 02-01-01

Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

Marie C. Martch               Appointed 02-24-97 for a      Fraser
Bell County                   term to expire 02-01-03

Douglas B. Myers              Appointed 04-11-97 for a      Shapiro
Collin County                 term to expire 02-01-03

Cynthia S. Perry, Ed.D        Appointed 02-24-97 for a      Ellis
Harris County                 term ot expire 02-01-03

Texas Workforce Commission

Bill Hammond                  Appointed 09-22-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 02-01-97
                              Reappointed 02-10-97 for a
                              term to expire 02-01-03

Diane D. Rath                 Appointed 09-27-96 for a      Luna
Bexar County                  term to expire 02-01-01


Agricultural Resources Protection Authority

Gary Johnson                  Appointed 05-02-97 for a      Bivins
Dallam County                 term to expire 02-01-99

Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

Steven Ellinger, AIA          Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Fraser
Taylor County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Chao C. Lee, AIA              Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Ellis
Harris County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Dorothy V. Roberts            Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

Beatrice M. Burke             Reappointed 01-17-96 for a    Duncan
Howard County                 term to expire 01-31-01

Aulby L. Gillett              Appointed 01-17-96 for a      Wentworth
Tom Green County              term to expire 01-31-01

Texas Historical Commission

J.P. Bryan                    Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Ellis
Harris County                 term to expire 02-01-03

Chris J. Carson               Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 02-01-03

Frank W. Gorman, Jr.          Appointed 08-26-96 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County                term to expire 02-01-01

Carl R. McQueary              Reappointed 05-06-97 for a    Fraser
Bell County                   term to expire 02-01-03

Linda A. Valdez               Appointed 05-07-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 02-01-03

Clinton P. White              Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Armbrister
Wharton County                term to expire 02-01-03

Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments

James H. Cromwell             Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Nixon
Cherokee County               term to expire 02-01-01

Carl Hays                     Appointed 08-09-95 for a      West
Dallas County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Corinne A. Mason              Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Shapiro
Collin County                 term to expire 02-01-01

Presiding Judge of the Eighth Administrative Judicial Region

Roger J. Walker               Appointed 05-01-97 for a      Harris
Tarrant County                term to expire 4 yrs after
                              date of qualification

Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Douglas L. Bush               Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Gallegos
Harris County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Jean H. Matney                Appointed 01-17-96 for a      Moncrief
Tarrant County                term to expire 01-31-01

Timothy B. Rarus              Appointed 01-17-96 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 01-31-01

Robin E. Riccardi             Appointed 01-22-96 for a      Duncan
Lubbock County                term to expire 01-31-97
                              Reappointed 05-06-97 for a
                              term to expire 01-31-03

Benna Timperlake              Appointed 05-06-97 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Eva D. Williams               Appointed 01-17-96 for a      Brown
Harris County                 term to expire 01-31-01

Board for Lease-Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Alfred M. Stringfellow        Appointed 04-28-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 09-01-97


Midwestern State University Board of Regents

Mac Cannedy, Jr.              Appointed 05-26-96 for a      Haywood
Wichita County                term to expire 02-25-00

Barbara J. Dorman             Appointed 05-17-96 for a      Duncan
Hale County                   term to expire 02-25-02

Elizabeth A. Gifford          Appointed 05-17-96 for a      Bivins
Randall County                term to expire 02-25-02

Arnold W. Oliver              Appointed 05-17-96 for a      Haywood
Wichita County                term to expire 02-25-02

Southwest Travis County Water District Board of Directors

D. Jarrett Bates              Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-97

Kirby L. Brown                Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-99

Kevin Cromack                 Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-99

Colin G. Haza                 Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-97

Mark C. Kelling               Appointed 01-02-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-99

Ken Levine                    Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-97

Duncan C. Norton              Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-01

Darlene Rojas-Wilson          Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-01

John F. Williams              Appointed 12-06-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 09-01-01
