SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Cmte of the Whole on Leg & Cong Redistricting TIME & DATE: 11:00AM *, Thursday, May 1, 1997 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos * or upon completion of senate business, whichever is later ___________________________________________________________________________ I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes III. Take up and consider the following: SB 1564 Wentworth / et al. Relating to the reapportionment of state legislative, congressional, and judicial districts and the creation, function, and duties of the Texas Redistricting Commission. SJR 41 Wentworth / et al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to create the Texas Redistricting Commission to establish legislative and congressional districts and to revise the constitutional redistricting provisions. IV. Other Business V. Recess or Adjourn ___________________________________________________________________________