Agriculture & Livestock Committee
February 25, 1997-8:00A  

HB 525
   For:     Carter, Charles (Indep. Cattlemens Assoc)
            Grimm, James (TX Poultry Federation)
            Joiner, Gary (Texas Farm Bureau)
            Shields, Chris (TX Ag Aviation Assoc.)
   Against: Alonzo, Gladys (TX Trial Lawyers Assoc.)
            Bergin, David (himself)
            Bergin, T.J. (himself)
            Dendy, Donnie (ACCORD Ag. Inc.)
            Henry, Stuart (Farmers and Ranchers)
            Stone, Nancy (David & T.J. Bergin)
   On:      Duncan, David D. (TNRCC)
            Soward, Larry R. (TX Dept. of Agriculture)

HB 680
   For:     Engelke, Tommy (Ag & Utility Co-ops)
            Joiner, Gary (Texas Farm Bureau)
            Nail, Joe Caldwell (himself)
            Shilling, Mark (himself)
            White, David (himself)
   Against: Whitehurst, Bill (TX Trial Lawyers Assn.)
   On:      Hull, James B. (Texas Forest Service)
            Young, Bobby R. (Texas Forest Service)

HB 1052
   For:     Grimm, James (Texas Egg Council)
            Gutierrez, Roberto (himself)
            Small, Ed (TX Poultry Federation)
   On:      McAmdrew, Steven C. (TX Dept. of Health)
            Soward, Larry R. (TX Dept. of Agriculture)

HB 1145
   For:     Batchelder, Eric (Texas Bison Assoc.)
            Bauer, Edgar L. (Texas Bison Assoc.)
            Jones, Alvin T. (himself)
            Smith, David R. (himself)
            Wenzel, Ronny (himself)