Civil Practices Committee
February 18, 1997-4:00P  

HB 118
   For:     Hirschi, John (Author of bill)
            Holterman, John W. (Tx. Silver Haired Leg.)
            James, Reggie (Consumers' Union)
            Massey, Dick (AARP)
            Sheppard, Eugene (himself)
   On:      Perkins, Thomas (Attorney General's Ofc.)
            Suehs, Thomas (Texas Health Care Assoc)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Smith, Tom (Public Citizen)

HB 539
   For:     Boyd, Sherryl (Seguin Ch. of Commerce)
            Dochen, Sandy (Gr. Austin Chamber)
            Kamm, Robert (TABCC)
            King, Kirk (Farmers Branch Chamber)
            Meek, Michael (New Braunfels Chamber)
            Uher, D.R.(Tom) (Author of bill)
   Against: Slack, Michael (TTLA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Castaneda, Tristan (Gr. San Antonio Chamber)
            Golden, Cathy (Gr. Dallas Chamber)
            White, Michael (Gr. Houston Partnership)

HB 546
   For:     Bosse, Fred (Author of bill)
            Hutcherson, J.R. (Woodforest Citizens)
            Morris, Gene (Woodforest Citizens)

HB 598
   For:     Dalfrey, Donna (Children's Shelter)
            Shields, John (Author of bill)
   On:      Torres, George (TxGSLC)

HB 601
   For:     Carter, Bill (Author of Bill)
            Carter, William (Tx. Gun Dealers Assoc.)
            Chambers, Herbert (NRA)
            Day, Dee (Eagle Peak Shooting Rge)
            Montserrat, Robert (Tx. State Rifle Assoc.)
   Against: Hipskind, Greg (Boy Scouts-Capitol Area)
            Tripp, Mary (herself)
            Ward, David (himself)
            Ward, Mary Ellen (herself)
   On:      Oliver, Scotty (TPWD)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Atkins, Neal (himself)
            Nicholson, James (Tx. State Rifle Assoc.)
            Reilly, Tara (Nat'l Rifle Assoc.)
            Shelton, Dorland Carol (himself)
            Shelton, Patsy (herself)
            Wallace, Charles (himself)