WITNESS LIST Civil Practices Committee March 25, 1997-4:00P HB 23 For: Corte, Jr., Frank (author of bill) Against: Hampton, Hartley (TTLA) Registering, but not testifying: For: Allen, George (Tx. Apartment Assn.) Douglas, Barbara (self & Lumberman's Assn) Erben, Andrew (Tx. Assn. of Builders) Erben, Randy (Nat'l Fed. of Ind. Busn) Grace, James (self) Krueger, John (Nat'l Fed. of Ind. Busn) Pinkus, David (Sm. Busn. United of TX) Stinson, Bill (Tx. Assn. of Realtors) HB 886 For: Brimer, Kim (author of bill) Eads, John (self & Tx. Soc.of CPAs) Owen, Robert (self & Tx. Soc.of CPAs) Against: Heasley, John (Tx. Bankers Assoc.) McEldowney, John (self) Neely, Karen (Ind. Bankers Assoc.-Tx) Odom, F.A. (self) On: Sedberry, Tom (Tx. Soc. of CPAs) Registering, but not testifying: For: Wayne, Ralph (Tx. Civil Just. League) White, Michael (Gr. Dallas Chamber) White, Michael (Gr. Houston Partnership) Against: Slack, Mike (TTLA) HB 1202 For: Bittick, Sheryl (self & Weingarten Rlty.) Boyd, Jack (Simon DeBartolo Group) Bradley, A.L. (self) Ehrhardt, Harryette (self) Grace, Jim (self and TLR) Graham, Michael (self and TLR) Lohrke, Gary (Minyard Food Stores) Rowling, Robert (self & Omni Hotels) Trabulsi, Richard (self&Richard's Liquors) Tyner, Charlie (self & Kroger Foods) Uher, Tom (author of bill) Walters, Dale (self) Against: Bailey, Ken (Tx Assn of Fire Fighter) Bowen, J. Donald (self and TTLA) Dillon, Lana (self) Goodnight, Vicki (self) Hampton, Hartley (TTLA) Lambe, Dan (Tx. Citizen Action) Matteck, C.W. (self) Riddering, Hannah (self & TX NOW) Suraci, Barbara (self& Will Not Forget) Wheat, Sarah Jane (self & Campus C.O.P.S.) Registering, but not testifying: For: Allen, George B. (Tx. Apartment Assn.) Allen, Sr., Joshua (self) Bennett, Richard A. (Tx Cnl. of For. Pd.Mn.) Blumberg, Gary (self & DMC Mngement Co.) Childress, Marilyn (Tx. Comm. Assns. Inst.) Daly, Richard (Tx. Catholic Conference) Douglas, Barbara (self/Lmbrmns Assn of Tx) Ellmer, Rich (Tx. Mini-Storage Assn.) Erben, Andrew (Tx. Assn of Builders) Erben, Randy (Nat'l Fed. of Ind. Bus.) Fisher, Scott (TPMCSA) Fritz, Randy (TLR) Garey, Glen (Tx. Restaurant Assn.) Harms, Dianna (Dinerstein Comp. & self) Hunt, Stacy (self & Tx. Aptment Assn) Hutcheson, Mark (South Tx. Col. of Law) Kamm, Robert (Tx. Assn. of Bus. & CC) Krueger, John (NFIB) McDonald, Carol (Ind. Col. & Univ. of_Tx) McDougal, Mike (self) Myers, Tim L. (self) Neely, Karen (Ind. Bankers Assn of Tx) Peairson, Mitchell T. (BOMA) Pinkus, David (Sm. Busn United of TX) Ross, James T. (Int'l Cnl. of Shp. Cnt.) Ross, Marc (self) Stinson, Bill (Tx. Assn. of Realtors) Teas, Andrew (Hou. Aptment Assn. Inc.) Tryon, Bill (Tx. Civ. Justice League) Wayne, Ralph (Tx. Civ. Justice League) Weekly, Richard (self) Welsh, Dinah (Tx. Hospital Assn.) White, Michael (Gr Houston Partnership) White, Michael (Gr. Dallas Chamber) Wood, Karen (Baylor University) Against: Aaron, Ron (self & Rape Crisis Ctr.) Donahue, Sterlene (self) Flores, Maria_Luisa (Tx. Women's Pol. Caucus) Gillaspie, Tommy W. (self) Higgins, Mike (Tx Assn of Fire Fighter) James, Reggie (Consumer's Union) Jones, Gregory G. (self) Levy, Rick (TX AFL-CIO) McNeil, Jr., Carvel (Hou. Pol. Patrl. Union) Parker, Brad (self) Pearcy, Zella A. (self) Porter, Matthew (Transport Workers Union) Slack, Mike (TTLA) Smith, Tom (Public Citizen) Sweeney, Paula (self) HB 2118 For: Bosse, Fred (author of bill) Weisman, John (self) Registering, but not testifying: On: Templeton, Bobbie (TxDOT) HB 2737 For: Peters, Roger (self & Dick Corp.) Uher, Tom (author of bill) Registering, but not testifying: For: Curlee, Durward (Tx. Assoc. Gen'l Contrs) Kamm, Robert (TABCC) Sargent, Frederic (self) On: Smith, Carey (Attorney General's Ofc.) Templeton, Bobbie (TxDOT) HB 3352 For: Peters, Roger (self & Dick Corp.) Place, Allen (author of bill) Sargent, Frederic (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Curlee, Durward (Assoc. of Gen'l Contrs.) On: Reynolds, Carl (Tx. Bd. of Crim. Just.) SB 275 For: Brimer, Kim (sponsor of bill) Eads, John (self & Tx. Soc. of CPAs) Owen, Robert (self & Tx. Soc.of CPAs) On: Sedberry, Tom (Tx. Soc. of CPAs) Registering, but not testifying: For: Fritz, Randy (self and TLR) Kamm, Robert (TABCC) Trabulsi, Richard (self) Tryon, Bill (Tx. Civil Just. League) Wayne, Ralph (Tx. Civil Just. League) Weekley, Richard (self and TLR) White, Michael (Gr. Dallas Chamber) White, Michael (Gr. Houston Partnership) Against: Heasley, John (Tx. Bankers Assoc.) McEldowney, John (self) Neeley, Karen (Ind. Bankers. Assoc.-TX) Odom, F.A. (self) Slack, Mike (self and TTLA)