WITNESS LIST Civil Practices Committee April 22, 1997-4:00P HB 1656 On: Smith, Carey (Attorney General's Off.) Registering, but not testifying: For: Allison, Jim (Cty Judges & Comm. Assn) Igo, Shanna (Tx. Municipal League) Reid, Stan (Tx. Assn. of Counties) Against: Elliott, Chris (TTLA/self) Hinojosa, Walter (Tx. AFL-CIO) HB 1756 For: Telford, Barry (Author of bill) Against: Elliott, Chris (TTLA & self) On: Nichols, Neil (TYC) Timmons, Joan (TYC) Registering, but not testifying: On: Robinson, Steve (TYC) HB 2836 For: Collier, Keely (NAACP & self) Fitzwater, Martha (self) Thompson, Senfronia (Author of bill) HB 2864 For: Denny, Mary (Author of bill) Glover, Sue (Tx Assn of Counties) Horn, Mary (self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Allison, Jim (Cty Judges & Comm. Assn) Caraway, Luanne (self) Cornett, Ray (Tax Assessors Assn) Lee, Donald (Conf. of Urban Counties) Walker, Helen (Cty Jud.&Comm Assn/self) HB 2895 Against: Hile, Dick (TTLA) Registering, but not testifying: Against: Elliott, Chris (TTLA & self) Lambe, Dan (Tx. Citizen Action/self) Smith, Tom (Public Citizen) HB 3033 For: Eiland, Craig (Author of bill) Johnson, Glenn (Tx. Business Law Found.) HB 3041 For: Johnson, Glenn (Tx. Business Law Found.) Woolley,Beverly (Author of bill) Against: Risk, Raymond (Am. Subcontractors Assn) Registering, but not testifying: Against: Elliott, Chris (TTLA_&_self) HB 3052 For: Alejandro, Anthony (Pt of Corpus Chris. Au.) Berlanga, Hugo (Author of bill) Maldonado, Rick (Pt of Corpus Christi) Wieting, Leroy (Reynolds Met/CITGO/self) HB 3087 For: Collins, Robby (Dallas I.S.D) Hartnett, Will (Author of bill) Against: Crawford, R.C. (self) HB 3285 For: Goodman, Toby (Author of bill) Against: Smith, Tom (Public Citizen) Registering, but not testifying: For: Kamm, Robert (Tx Assn. of Bus. & CC.) Wayne, Ralph (Tx. Civil Justice Leag.) Against: Elliott, Chris (TTLA) Hinojosa, Walter (Tx. AFL-CIO) Lambe, Dan (Tx. Citizen Action/self) HB 3581 For: Hightower, Allen (Author of bill)