WITNESS LIST Economic Development Committee February 25, 1997-10:30A HB 39 For: Antolik, Cindy (American Cancer Society) Saponara, Laura (ACLU) Sokolow, Judith (Advocacy, Inc.) Zindenberg,Martin H.,MD (Tx. Healthcare/Biosci.) Against: Knepp, Christopher A. (Tx. Empl. Law Council) Taylor, Charles M. (Member, TABCC and SHRM) Thompson, Jay A. (Tx. Life Insurance) On: Mills, Gordon, M.D. (U.T.M.D. Anderson) Mollenberg, Diane (Tx. Dept. of Insurance) HB 220 For: Saponara, Laura (ACLU) Sokolow, Judith (Advocacy, Inc.) HB 425 For: Bloom, Ed (Tx. Assoc.for Education) HB 994 For: Pinkus, David (Small Bus. United of Tx) Risk, Raymond (Am. Subcontractor Assoc) On: Riley, Steve (Texas Workforce Comm.) HB 1410 For: Briesemeister, Janee (Consumers Union) Henneberger, John (Tx. Low Income Housing) Mintz, David (Tx. Apartment Assoc.) Against: Booth, Danny (Tx. Eco. Dev. Corp.) Newman, Joe (Tx. Eco. Dev. Council) Economic Development Corporations For: Booth, Danny (TEDC, Terrell Chamber) Prickette, John F. (TEDC)