State, Federal & International Relations Committee
March 25, 1997-8:00A  

HB 713
   For:     Berry, James (Bee Development Corp.)
            Bomer, Robert (San Antonio Chamber)
            Erben, Randy (Panhandle 2000)
            Hall, Richard (Red River Local Redev.)
            Lavery, Duane (Reece Redev. Authority)
            Longoria, Manuel (City of San Antonio)
            Rep. Jones, Delwin (Himself)
   On:      Arnett, Brenda (TX Dept. OF Commerce)
            Madole, Scott (TX Dept. OF Commerce)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Wattles, Dan (TX Dept. of Commerce)

HB 714
   For:     Bomer, Robert (San Antonio Chamber)
            Hall, Richard (Red River Redev. Auth.)
            Lavery, Duane (Reese Redev. Auth.)
            Longoria, Manuel (City of San Antonio)
            Rep. Jones, Delwin (Himself)
   On:      Arnett, Brenda (TX Dept. of Commerce)
            Madole, Scott (TX Dept. of Commerce)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Berry, James (Bee Devel. Corp.)
            Erben, Randy (Panhandle 2000)
   On:      Wattles, Dan (TX Dept of Commerce)

HB 996
   On:      Dyess, William (TX State Library)
            Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)
            Schloss, Hadassah (Gen. Services Comm.)

HB 1062
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Dyess, William (TX State Library)

HB 1673
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)

HB 1811
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX LIb. And Arch. Comm.)

HB 2131
   For:     Smith, Marc (TX Lib. Asso.)
            Tuohy, Patricia (Central TX Lib. System)
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)

HB 2512
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)

HB 2721
   For:     Hisle, W. Lee (Austin Comm. College)
            McCord, S. Joe (TX Lib. Asso.)
            Nelson, Scott (TX Comm. Coll. Teach.)
            Phillips, Sue (Un. of TX)
            Seal, Robert (TCU Lib.)
            Smith, Mark (TX Lib. Asso.)
   On:      Martin, Robert (TX Lib. and Arch. Comm.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Hood, Norman (ICUT)
            Pastine, Maureen (SMU Univ.)
            Wood, Karen (Baylor Univ.)