WITNESS LIST State, Federal & International Relations Committee April 15, 1997-8:00A HB 2087 For: Gardner, Glen Jr. (TX Coalition of Vets) Raymond, Richard (Himself) Registering, but not testifying: For: Bier, Samuel (TX Veterans Commission) Hall, Kerry (American Legion) McLemore, Bill (TX Assoc of Vets) Palmquist, Michael (American Legion) On: Green, Billy (TX Veterans Commission) HB 2242 For: Bush, Robert (Himself) Caldwell, Shirley (Herself) Davis, Yvonne (Herself) Fehrenbach, T.R. (THC) Milton, Tate (Brazos State Park Assoc) Nau, John (Himself) Plitt, Walter (Nat'l Park Commission) Willis, Libby (Preservation Texas) Against: Burleson, Micky (TX Parks and wildlife) Ogilvie, Charlie (Historical Park Vol) Summers, Scott (W. Columbia Chamber) On: Miglicco. Gary (LPMG Peat Marwick) Sansom, Andrew (Parks and Wildlife) Steely, James (THC) Registering, but not testifying: Against: Byfield, Dan (Amer. Land Foundation) Rhodes, Denise (Herself) On: Dolman, Bill (TPWD) Hunt, Conover (Himself) Milne, Robert (KPMG) Tunnell, Chris (THC) HB 2356 For: Bush. Robert (Himself) Davis, Yvonne (Herself) Willis, Libby (Preservation TX) Against: Burleson, Micky (Parks and Wildlife) Davidson, Sam (Access Fund) Gilleland, Ellis (TX Animals) Grojean, Charles (Adm. Nimitz Foundation) Gustafson, Laurence (The Access Fund) Hanson, Jerry (Himself) Head, David (Himself) Hobday, Eric (TX Moutaineers) Kiker, Robert (Permian Basin Petrol) Klussmann, Wallace (Himself) Meyer, Joe (CIty of Palestine) Mollard, Jean (Herself) Mummert, Clyde (TX Mountain Climbers) Ogilvie, Charlie (State Hist. Vols) Probst, Diane (Rockport C of C) Rhodes, Denise (Herself) Tate, Milton (Brazos State Park) Whitehead, Emmett (Rusk) Wilkes, Morris (Himself) Williams, John (Nat'l Audobon Society) Williams, Tony (Marshall city manager) On: Hunt, Conover (Himself) Miglicco, Gary (LPMG Peat Marwick) Sansom, Andrew (Parks and Wildlife) Steely, James (THC) Registering, but not testifying: For: Caldwell, Shirley (Himself) Fehrenbach, TR (THC) Nau, John (Himself) Plitt, WAlter (Palo Alto Park) Williams, David (Himself) Against: Bucher, Robert (Natl Railway Hist Soc) Byfield, Dan (American Land Found.) Cartwright, Sam (Palestine Chamber) Caveness, Louis (Rusk Chamber) Conway, Kenneth (TX Rec and Park) Ethridge, Lila (Hays Co. HC) Gonzalez, Rebecca (Central TX Climbers) Jerger, Scott (The Access Fund) Lewis, Michael (Central TX Climbers) Meyer, Yvonne (City of Palestine) Murray, Mike (Rusk) Schwartz, Georgina (Herself) Summers, Scott (W. Columbia_Chamber) Trostle, Maurice (Brazos State Park) On: Blake, Roy (Rusk and Palestine) Dolman, Bill (TPWD) Milne, Robert (KPMG) Tunnel, Curtis (THC) HCR 2 For: McLemore, Bill (TX Assoc of County Vets) Turner, Bob (Himself) Registering, but not testifying: For: Garnder, Glen Jr. (TX Coalition of Vet Org) On: Bier, Samuel (TX Veterans Commission) HCR 67 For: McLemore, Bill (TX Assoc of County Vets) Turner, Bob (Himself) Registering, but not testifying: For: Gardner, Glen Jr. (TX Coalition of Vet Org) Hall, Kerry (American Legion (TX)) Palmquist, Michael (American Legion) On: Bier, Samuel (TX Veterans_Commission) HCR 85 For: HIghtower, Allen (Himself) HCR 86 For: Hirschi, John (Himself) HCR 125 For: Davis, Yvonne (Herself) Nau, John (THC) Plitt, Walter (Paloalto Nat. Park Comm) Schwarz, Georgina (Herself) Against: Burleson, Micky (TX Parks and Wildlife) Rhodes, Denise (Herself) On: Hunt, Conover (Himself) Miglicco, Gary (LPMG Peat Marwick) Sansom, Andrew (TX Parks and Wildlife) Steely, James (THC) Registering, but not testifying: For: Bush, Robert (Himself) Caldwell, Shirley (Herself) Fehrenbach, T.R. (Himself) Against: Byfield, Dan (Amer Land Foundation) On: Dolman, Bill (Himself) Milne, Robert (LPMG Peat Marwick) Tunnell, Curtis (THC) SB 352 For: Counts, David (Himself) Hightower, Allen (Himself) On: Boyd, Hal (TX Nat. Guard Armory) Registering, but not testifying: On: Hubbard, John (Sunset Commision) Huff, Mike (TX Nat. Guard Armory) SB 353 For: Counts, David (Himself) Hightower, Allen (Himself) James, Danial (Adj. General) Registering, but not testifying: On: Hubbard, John (Sunset Commission)