Insurance Committee
February 26, 1997-1:30P  

HB 44
   For:     Gale, Sandra (Coa for Nurses Adv Prac)
            Gessler, Don (THMOA)
            Riddering, Hannah (Tx Nat Org for Women)
   Against: Davis, Will (TLROA and TLIA)
            Tolman, Gary (Am Nat Ins Co)
   On:      Myron, Rhonda (TDI)

HB 60
   For:     Gale, Sandra (Coa for Nur Adv Prac)
            Gessler, Don (THMOA)
   Against: Davis, Will (TLROA and TLIA)
            Tolman, Gary (Am Nat Ins Co)
   On:      Myron, Rhonda (TDI)

HB 102
   For:     Gale, Sandra (Coa for Nurses Adv Prac)
            Gessler, Don (THMOA)
            Rep. Greenberg (Co-sponsor)
            Representative Gray (Sponsor)
            Riddering, Hannah (Tex Nat Org for Women)
            Vasek, Heather (Tex Assoc for Home Care)
            Washburn, Mary Kathleen (Herself)
   Against: Davis, Will (TROA and TLIA)
            Tolman, Gary (Am Nat Ins_Co)
   On:      Myron, Rhonda (TDI)

HB 180
   For:     Delco, Wilhelmina (Herself)
            Essl, Jeanette (Herself)
            Gale, Sandra (Coa for Nurses Adv Prac)
            Kuhlmann, Terry (Tex Assoc OB/GYN)
            Representative Gray (Sponsor)
            Ridering, Hannah (Tex Nat Org for Women)
            Scarborough, Lydia (Herself)
            Talley, Sheri (Tex Academy of Fam Phys)
   On:      Davis, Will (TLIA and TLROA)

HB 261
   For:     Gale, Sandra (Coa Nurses in Adv Prac)
            Gessler, Don (THMOA)
            Rep. Van de Putte (Sponsor)
            Talley, Sheri (Tex Academy of Fam Phys)
   On:      Davis, Will (TLIA and TLROA)

HB 263
   For:     Rep. Van de Putte (Sponsor)
            Sokolow, Judith (Advocacy, Inc.)
            Thompson, Jay (TLIA)
   On:      Myron, Rhonda (TDI)