Licensing & Administrative Procedures Committee
April 7, 1997-10:30A  

HB 629
   On:      Debra Fincher (TABC)

HB 1252
   For:     Steve Lyons (Houston Police Dept)
   Against: Steven Swander (TX Entertainment Assoc)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     D.L. Smith (Houston Police Dept)

HB 2025
   For:     Tom Romberg (TACCA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Pauline Denson (TDLR)

HB 2086
   For:     Debby Tucker (BIGNO)
            Mark Todd (Lake Worth Lions Club)
            Michael Palmquist (American Legion)
            Myrt Sanders (Lake Worth Lions Club)
   Against: Cecile Rosenweig (Self)
            Chuck Bertani (Self)
            Janet Hollman (Self)
            Joseph Debonis (Knights of Columbus)
            Robert Kilpatrick (TX Paralyzed Veterans)
            Robert Stolarski (Knights of Columbus)
   On:      Marc Garcia (Lottery Commission)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Fred Miccio (Veterans of Foreign War)

HB 2428
   Against: David Mintz (TAA)
   On:      Brian Francis (TREC)

HB 2647
   For:     Steve Lyons (Houston Police Dept.)
   Against: Steven Swander (TX Entertainment Assoc)
   On:      Randy Yarbrough (TABC)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Rebecca Rentz (Harris Co. Judge Eckels)

HB 2687
   For:     Janice L. Miller (Sega GameWorks LLC)
            John Leisner (Sega GameWorks LLC)
   Against: Wade Spillman (Wholesale Beer Dist.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Rick Donley (Harris Co. B.W.A.)

HB 2703
   For:     Cal Aaron (Self)
            Hubert Emerick (RV & M H O Assoc.)
            K.D. Pool (Self)
            Micheal Alexander (TMHA)
            Steven Thomas (Self)
            Will Ehrle (TMHA)
   Against: Jim Fitzpatrick (AARP)
            Steve Reinshuttle (Self)
            Tom Middlestadt (Self)
   On:      Ann Denman (TDH & CA)
            Lee Stine (Mobile Ins.)
            Raymond Orozco (TDH & CA)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Andrew Scott (Self)
            Barbara Mittlestadt (Self)
            Chance Roden (Self)
            Deann Simpson (Self)
            Gregg Hensley (Self)
            Jamie Dwyer (Self)
            Janee Briesemeister (Consumers Union)
            Josef Martin (Self)
            Kathy Simpson (Self)
            Laura Hensley (Self)
            Luther Edwards (Self)
            Mike McIver (Self)
            Richard Courtney (Self)
            Suzi McIver (Self)
   On:      Hershal Blankenship (TDH & CA)

HB 2714
   On:      Marc Garcia (TX Lottery Commission)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   Against: Cecile Rosenweig (Self)
            Fred Miccio (V.F.W.)
            Janet Hollman (Northwest Stars)
            Robert Kilpatrick (TX Paralyzed Veterans)
            Robert Stolarski (Knights of Columbus)

HB 2961
   For:     Steve Lyons (Houston Police Dept)
   Against: Steven Swander (TX Entertainment Assoc)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Rebecca Rentz (Harris Co. Judge Eckels)

HB 3299
   For:     Janice Woods (BIGNO)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Sherri Giesy (N. Austin Foundation)