Land and Resource Management Committee
February 24, 1997-2:00P  

HB 47
   For:     Denny, Marry (House Dist. 63)
            Keesler, Larry (City of Sanger)

HB 833
   For:     Junell, Robert (House Dist. 72)
            Lee, Randy (Stewart Title Co.)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Mills, Ken (General Land Office)
            Reid, Spencer (General Land Office)

HB 1036
   For:     Uher, Tom (House Dist. 29)
   On:      Cunningham, William (University of TX)
            Royal, Darrell K (University of TX)
   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Dochen, Sandy (Greater Austin Chamber)
            Koepsel, Victoria (Greater Austin Sports)
            Little, Amy (Greater Austin Sports)
            Murphy, Lawana (Austin Hotel/Motel Asso)

HB 1109
   For:     Talton, Robert (House Dist. 144)